「 Chapter 23 」

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"You're the cutest thing I've ever seen, you know that?" Madeline stared with adoration as she gently rocked the baby in her arms. "Oh, and I got you a new toy!" She reached into her bag and grabbed a pink rattle, shaking it around. The newborn giggled joyfully, her tiny fingers reaching for the object. "Do you like it? It even has your name on it, see?"

"You spoil my daughter more than I do," The Beta female laughed, watching the two from the doorway.

The young girl simply smiled in response. "It's not my fault she's so adorable."

"You know Maddie, I think you'd make a great mother someday."

She blinked, clearly taken aback by the Beta's words. "... Really?"

"Of course, kids love you."

Effervescent feelings bloomed inside of her at the thought of becoming a mother. She shook her head, reminding herself that she was not even eighteen yet. "Thank you, but I'm still to young for that."

"Mhmm, take your time. Anyway, are you excited for tonight?"

"What's happening tonight?"

The Beta tilted her head in bemusement. "You don't know? Alpha is finally coming back from his meeting with the council."

Madeline's jaw slowly dropped open. Matthew had been away for the past couple weeks; a grand meeting was called once the council found out the strongest Alpha in the land was a direwolf. They sought to improve relations between werewolves and direwolves, though it had taken much longer than expected.

Although she had tried to distract herself in his absence, Madeline missed her mate immensely.

"Thank you for looking after my daughter today. I'll take her away now, you probably want to prepare for his return."

She nodded, handing the baby to her mother. Once they left, the young girl squealed with anticipation, unable to suppress her excitement to see Matthew again.


The council hall was a large, dome-shaped structure filled with rows of seats that form a circle around the inner perimeter. The ruler of the council, a five-hundred-year-old lycan, sat in the centre, while Matthew, along with numerous Alphas, were seated in front of him.

"We hereby declare peace between the werewolves and the direwolves. Direwolf hunting is now strictly prohibited in all Packs. We shall no longer see them as threats, but as our brothers, like the Moon Goddess intended us to be!"

The audience erupted in cheers and howls of joy at the statement.

Standing up from his seat, the ruler dismissed the council members. "This meeting is officially over. Alphas, you may now return home."

The hall slowly cleared out as the wolves began to leave. Matthew stood up from his seat with a sigh; he had been longing to go home for the past few weeks, craving to see his little mate and to hold her in his arms.

As he made his way to the exit, a disquieting sentiment grew in his heart. People were watching him. He disregarded their stares, but his ears could not ignore their whispers.

"Didn't he kill hundreds of werewolves? How did the council allow this monster to remain an Alpha?"

"I don't care what anyone says, direwolves will always be demons."

"I can't believe the council wants us to treat beasts like him as our equals."

He pressed his lips together in contempt as he walked through the exit. It was evident that a mere council statement would not erase the centuries of persecution direwolves went through, and the stigma which surrounded their species, though it was one step in the right direction.

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