Preview 5

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"I have a new project for you, Taehyung-ssi", the mint-haired male's agent said as soon as Taehyung picked up the phone. He was sitting on his comfy couch, wrapped in his most comfy blanket and stroking the fur of his puppy Yeontan who was a shy little thing with a health condition so Taehyung had to handfeed him. Not that he minded, his Tannie was amazingly cute.

"A new film? If it's with Jungkook, I don't want it. Hyung, I don't wanna play next to this big bag of--", Taehyung whined, his hand halting which earned him an annoyed bark from his puppy who chased after his fingers instead when Taehyung wriggled them. Yeontan stuck his tongue out when he looked up to Taehyung and the male cooed at the adorable sight, nearly forgetting his irritation revolving Jungkook.

"Kim Taehyung, don't fucking swear in front of me!"

"But Hyung--"

"Taehyung, please, you have to stop this childish behavior, it is not good reflecting on your persona in the public. People always find out the truth which isn't good publicity for you", his agent said and Taehyung sighed. Yeontan must've sensed his sadness because he jumped onto his tiny legs, wagging his tail and licking over Taehyung's hand.

"Yeah I know... I just despise his entire being", Taehyung sighed, smiling down at his cute puppy but just the mere mentioning of Jungkook's name was enough to turn his mood sour. His agent on the other side of the line released something in between a snort and a chuckle.

"Wasn't aware of it until you mentioned it", he said amused and Taehyung grumbled underneath his breath, lifting Yeontan up from his lap to stand up. He walked into the kitchen, the little bundle of happiness running around his legs and yapping excitedly.

"Okay, okay, I get it! What do you have for me?", he now asked his agent, eager to start a new project since the premiere of For Eternity has been 2 months ago which he spent with taking pet training classes and meeting up with his beloved friends, the group also unfortunately involving Jungkook. Nevertheless, it has been two pretty relaxed months yet he was eager to film again.

"A traditional movie, similar to Grimm's fairytales. I know you love them. It's about a beautiful prince who meets the love of his life in a forest while singing to the animals. They stumble over each other and fall in love. But the prince's kingdom is terrorized by an evil wizard who kidnaps the prince in order to marry him. Entrance to his beloved who's actually the King of another kingdom who's determined to see the beauty he has met in the forest again. But the wizard has a dragon and the King first has to fight against it before he can save his lover", his agent gave him the summary of the movie plot and Taehyung perked up interested.

"This sounds amazing, and so romantic... hah, I wish this could happen in real life...", his voice trailed off in the end, Taehyung was a hopeless romantic, head in the clouds and always dreaming about roses, candle light dinners and romantic evenings spent with the one he loved. He believed in love at the first sight, was a sucker for Disney movies and adored happy ending stories.

"My little romance nerd. So what do you think?", his agent asked and Taehyung didn't have to think twice that he wanted to play in this movie. Yet a certain thought made his excitement vanish a bit.

"I suppose, I can't audition for the role of the King?", Taehyung asked, he just knew that he wasn't going to be casted as the dominant male role, of course not. Just because he was tiny in form, delicate looking even and pretty, but that didn't mean they could treat him like flesh, not caring for his opinion and forcing a stereotype upon him. It was annoying and humiliating, especially when they compared him to Jungkook.

"Tae... as much as I admire how versatile you are, the production team has already asked me to hand you the text of the prince Taewha. King Jeongshan will be played by Jungkook", he heard the words he was afraid of, coming from the other line and he sighed, yet made his decision. Just because he couldn't stand Jungkook, didn't mean he would allow his feelings to keep him away from a potential job and more importantly, away from his passion which was acting.

"Knew it. But I love these type of movies... I can handle Jeon's annoying ass. I'm in", he said determined and could nearly hear the stone falling from his manager's heart before he told Taehyung the information needed and promised to send him the script before hanging up.

Taehyung turned in order to pick his puppy up. "Did you hear that, Tannie? Your Daddy has a new job that's going to be so much fun!", he squealed, his little puppy being affected by his excitement and started barking, equally excited.

Taehyung smiled, despite the tumult in his heart of having to work with Jungkook again.


"Did you hear?! Taehyung and Jungkook are preparing for another movie! Gosh, I can't wait to see it already! Wanna see what the power couple of Korea has in store for us!", the excited exclaim from a young teenager made Taehyung smile when he passed her and her friend who were squealing together. His driver didn't complain over his request about opening the windows but kept a wary eye outside.

When he arrived at the new set, he couldn't contain his excitement and smiled widely at his driver who opened the door for him, thanking him enthusiastically before walking to the studio entrance. He was greeted by a staff member who gave him a quick introduction to everything, walking him around the studio and the actor followed her interested, listening to her politely.

It has been easy for him, since he was an already known actor and since the production team has specifically requested him, there was no need to audition for the role, it was his from the start. All they have needed was his acceptance and now that Taehyung accepted the role, the filming could already begin.

Today was only introduction and getting familiar with everything, the opening scene didn't require Taehyung's presence but he liked to do more than he was asked to, and liked to get to know everything beforehand instead of risking to get lost on an important day.

But that also had its disadvantage because Taehyung stumbled upon Jungkook's presence in one of the makeup trailers outside when the female showed him the hair and makeup section. Jungkook turned in his seat, smirking once he saw the bewildered look on Taehyung's face.

"Hey Kim, no more mint ice cream?", he asked, referring to Taehyung's freshly dyed hair, a golden-caramel dream of wild locks dancing around his face and framing it gorgeously, extra dyed for his role as Prince Taewha.

"The first thing I have to see this lovely morning of course had to be your fucking face, huh", Taehyung huffed but looked around in awe which gave Jungkook the chance to stare at Taehyung himself. He has also dyed his hair, a deep chocolate brown which made his features appear more softer.

"You didn't answer me, Beautiful. I like the change, now you're caramel ice cream. Or better, a snickers", Jungkook snickered in the end, purposely making the same sound describing the sweet treat and Taehyung of course jumped onto that jab, turning back to Jungkook with narrowed eyes.

"Call me snickers one more time an I'll shove one down your throat until you choke on it", he warned the cocky brunet who laughed in response before resting his chin on his fist and eyeing Taehyung up and down with the intention to make the male flustered. It was a success, because Taehyung squirmed under his intense stare.

"Kinky, Snickers. But I have something better you can shove down your throat", Jungkook said suggestively and licked his lips before looking down to his crotch shortly, so Taehyung knew what he was referring to. An adorable nose scrunch was his response.

"Unless you say Milky Way, I'm not interested", Taehyung replied back with a blush dusting on the apples of his cheeks, making him look even more adorable. Jungkook laughed at the remark but turned around obediently when the makeup artist tapped his shoulder.

"See you around, Snickers", Jungkook simply said just when Taehyung was pulled away by the staff member himself. He huffed, glaring at Jungkook's broad back and quickly leaving when he caught the man's intense eyes over the mirror.

Guess it started again.


Oh yes it did, let the spice begin hehehe


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