chapter 7

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(btw this chapter is going to be from nate's point of view) ❤️
she yelled at me
i looked down
"look i know it sounds bad but i-
she cut me off
"so let me get this straight, you-
she aggressively pointed at me
...are pretending to be some guy named tyler and you're taking to jules,and now she's like in love with this non existent person?"
she asked me.
"yeah but-
she cut me off again
"the girl from mckay's party that you got all in her face and she followed you with a knife and cut her arm open and got blood on your shoulder? that one?"
she asked.
i nodded my head
"nate jacobs you are crazy"
i wanted to explain to her why i did this. but i didn't even have a valid reason. i don't even know why i've been doing this. i feel bad. but i love talking to jules. i just wish it didn't happen this way. but she wouldn't talk to me any other way because i did get all in her face and scream at her and threaten her and i only backed off because she came at me with a fucking knife. i like physco bitches what can i say. i mean have you seen maddy? she's the craziest of them all. it's so hot. and yeah,i know jules happens to be one of my disgusting father's hookups. i hate him. so much. getting my license was good for many reasons but especially because me and bailey can now hang out without being at her house where her bitch of a sister always is or at my house with my dad who i refuse to let bailey be near. if you couldn't tell by now,my dad has a thing for teenage girls. or just younger girls. even though he's in his 40's. and i will he dammed if i let him EVER go near bailey. i don't even like the idea of her with any boy. but my dad who'd probably manipulate her? hell no. she spends too much time with me to even be thinking about boys anyways. or at least i hope so. i just don't want her to get played by an asshole. she doesn't deserve that.
"i hate to disappoint you bailey"
i threw my head down
i'm so mad at myself. right now.
"nate,i'm not disappointed"
she laughed and i sighed in relief
i can always count on that girl to make me feel better.
she rubbed my chest
"i'll never be 'disappointed' in you. i don't understand why you do a lot of the things you do,but i'm not disappointed. i just don't want you to get hurt. or jules. she seems like a nice girl. right? is she?"

jules is the sweetest person alive. right behind bailey of course. no one can beat bailey's sweetness. not even a girl like jules.

"yeah she is"
i replied
"well let me ready your guys' texts"
she was still a little drunk
and was slurring her words like a weirdo
i was hesitant to give her my phone but drunk
or not,she'll never judge me. that's not how she is.

i handed her my phone
she took it and read through me and jules' many many texts.
her mouth open the whole time
when she finally finished she handed me my phone back

"you hate me now?"
i asked her.
"i could never hate you"
i laughed.
"you gotta promise me this though"
i said to her
she nodded her head
"bailey this has to stay between us"
i said.
"of course"
she kissed my cheek
and told me she was going to bed
she looked like she was about to go to the other bed but just didn't even move and just fell asleep right next to me. i looked at her head hit the pillow and her eyes shut.

kill for eachother;nate jacobs Where stories live. Discover now