chapter 8

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the next morning
both of them woke up at like 4 in the afternoon.

bailey had a massive headache but nate was fine. he was never hung over even after long nights of drinking like last night.

they just sat in the beds talking to eachother for a few hours.
that's someone those two never got bored of. they would talk for hours and hours with eachother and they loved it and wouldn't get bored. but only with eachother.

nate didn't like opening up to other people so he wasn't gonna talk for hours on end with someone else. and bailey wasn't really a person who opened up really quickly.

so when it was just those two together neither of them really ever hesitated to say what ever was on their minds. which bailey valued like no other because she knew how lucky she was to be able to know this side of nate jacobs.

the sweet,non judgmental,kind nate jacobs. not the mean,abusive,toxic nate jacobs that everyone else was used to and thought they knew. and nate just loves bailey and thought she was the best person to walk this earth. mainly because she never judged him for his wrong doings the way everyone else did. and she tried to help him and make things better as best she could in his favor instead of just telling him he's a bad person.

those two loved each other more than their own families. no one could really ever change bailey's opinion on nate. she's sympathizes for that boy way too much. which can be a blessing and a curse. bailey knew that. but in the end,she just wants to spare him from the most amount of hurt possible. and he just wanted to protect her. he'd kill for her. he'd do anything if that meant bailey was going to be okay.

bailey and maddy are the only girls nate has ever truly been able to say he loves. his mom? ehhh. he "loves" her but only cause it's his mother and he has to. but he doesn't have that unconditional love for her the way he has it for maddy and bailey.

he's never really been in serious relationships that the word "love" has been used in,besides maddy. he did love maddy. a lot. even though he was abusive and got angry with her all the time,he loves her. and he loves bailey,he loves her to pieces. and he does a really good job showing that to her.

nate plays football. maddy and bailey are cheerleaders. actually nate is the captain of the football team and maddy and bailey are the head cheerleaders. bailey is a sophomore so she's a grade below maddy but she's still the best girl on the team besides maddy.

every time nate has a game the only cheeleaders he looks at or acknowledges are maddy and bailey. he doesn't care about the other half naked,pretty bitches screaming
his name to victory. he just cared that maddy and bailey were there. his favorite girls.

when him and maddy aren't fighting and their relationship was in a decent place they liked to hang out with bailey. but they would make it less like they were a couple just so bailey wouldn't feel like a third wheel. which she appreciated greatly.

her and maddy were close. like really close. and nate loved it. because bailey is his best friend and he just wants his girlfriend to get along with bailey. and that's never been an issue.

it was just hard when nate and maddy were fighting. but when they were in a fight or "broken up" they were still talking all day and still fucking eachother. they never actually stayed away from each other. which would be why they don't actually break up for good like normal people.but because of that, bailey still got to see maddy and not have an awkward ass cheer practice.


around 8 nate asked if she wanted to go to the indoor pool down the hall from their room

she said yes.

she changed into a bikini
her favorite one.

it was her favorite for two different reasons

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it was her favorite for two different reasons.
1.nate was the one who bought it for her,last christmas
2. he bought two of that same baithing suit so maddy and bailey could have matching ones cause those two always weirdly coordinated their cheer practice outfits and sometimes their outfits at school and he knew they would have loved to have matching baithing suits so he got both of them that one (shown above)

oh would you look at that, nate jacobs being thoughtful. he was really only thoughtful for those two. anyone else he didn't really care about.
she put it on and opened the door where he was waiting for her.
he put his hand out and she grabbed it and held on to it as they walked down the hall to the pool.

she put her towel down and her phone
and walked in the pool
he followed.

it wasn't even that cold but bailey being a sensitive girl she was holding her arms and shivering.

he splashed water at her
she laughed and did it back
he already went under but she didn't

"stop being a pussyyyyy just do it kid"
she did really fast
and brushed her hair out of her face with her hands
"it's freezing how are you not dying"
she asked.
"come here" he laughed .
he signaled for her to come to him with his hands.
she did.
he wrapped his arms around her and she tucked her head into his stomach
he put his chin on the top of her head.

she held on to him for a little bit then they separated from their hug.
they smiled at eachother.
she went back under and when she came back up he asked her a question that he's been contemplating on for a while

"yo bailey"
he said.
"what's up?"
she asked.

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