chapter 18

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(authors note:they also stopped at nates house to get his clothes)

skip to when they got back to the apartment.

bailey organized her clothes in her closet and helped nate organize his because he didn't want to do it himself.

after she finished doing his they hung out in his room.
he kept putting his hand on her thigh and she just pretended that it wasn't happening.
he moved his hand higher and higher until his fingers were near her um you know what

she had jeans on though so it wasn't like he was actually doing anything

she looked down and realized how high his hand was

she looked back up
"you're crazy"
she said.
he raised his eyebrows
she did is back,mirroring his move.

he climbed on top of her
she laid down and he was on top of her kissing her.
it was soft at first but became intense.
after making out for a while he went to take her shirt off after he took his pants off.

"nate i've never-
he cut her off
"i'll be gentle"
she nodded.
as he made his way down on her she realized that maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all.

it hurt at first. a lot. but nate was trying his best to be gentle. after a while is wasn't as painful anymore.

bailey was no sexpert. nate knew that. but he didn't mind because he liked the feeling of being in control.

when he had sex with maddy she was really good at arching her back,rolling her eyes back,and moaning. which boosted nates confidence because it made him feel like he was really good at it.

but with bailey he liked the feeling of being in control and her having absolutely no idea on what was considered "hot" or what nate wanted her to do. he wanted to be the one that gave her tons of practice.

after they finished he got up and took a shower.
she went in her room to change.
after they both finished they went back in his room.

"so did you like it"
she nodded her head.

she wasn't lying. she didn't hate it. she's always liked nates affection. whether it was him hugging her,holding her hand,or taking her virginity. but it was a little scary for her. a lot of stuff makes her nervous. and this was definitely one of them. but now that it's over with,she wasn't opposed to the idea of continuing this task with him in the future.

and nate was definitely all up for fucking her again. even for her first time of her having no clue what to do,he still found her hot when he watched her face and the way he body moved as he fucked her.

she arched her back a few times too. and she did it perfectly. and he loved the way she looked doing it.

to him,whatever that girl did she always looked good. always. in his eyes,she was the most perfect human being to ever walk this earth.
he liked the way she treated people. he likes to watch her smile at people she didn't even know. he likes to watch her comfort someone who looks upset. her kindness balanced him out in a way. she was nice to everyone and nate was a dick. and those two were a package deal. so with her kindness,it made him look like less of a mean person.

everyone knew those two were close. and no one was going to try to hurt bailey. unless they wanted to deal with nate. he'd beat up,threaten,and ruin you if you tried to hurt bailey. so no one even tried.

kill for eachother;nate jacobs حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن