Chapter 10

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Waking into my house I didn't know what I would face. My bag swung on my shoulder as I closed the front door. A smile ran on my face as I looked at myself in the mirror. I still had Hunter's jacket on; the black material now hugging my torso.

I must have been standing there for a while because Sammy walked up to me and peered at me through the mirror.

"New jacket? Did you go shopping?" He signed, confusion on his face. He knew how much I hated shopping.

"It's a friend's. We bumped into each other." I signed quickly, taking the jacket off and moving around Sammy to get to the lounge. Sammy gave me a weird look but I didn't stay long enough for him to ask questions.

"What about you? Where did you get off to?" I signed as I walked backwards. Sammy grabbed my arm, staring at me, as if trying to convey a message.

I ignored him and carried on walking. I was astounded to see a blonde girl sitting on the sofa. It was the girl from the diner.

She was a lot prettier in person. Her face was delicate, every feature seemed to complement each other. She was beautiful.

She smiled at me, her blue eyes catching the light. She stood up instantly to come and shake my hand. I shook her hand, surprise still evident on my face.

Sammy walked up and stood next to me. "Hailey, this is my sister Riley." He said looking at me with nervousness in his eyes. I looked back over at Hailey. She gave Sammy a questioning look, to which Sammy replied with a nod.

Hailey started to move her hands.

"Its's nice to meet you." She signed. My eyes widened. Shocked. I think I stood staring for a couple of minutes. Frozen.

"Sam taught me how to say hello. He thought it would be nice so we could communicate properly." She said, backing away, unsure of what would happen next

I whipped my head around to Sammy, my back facing Hailey.

"You told her?" i signed to Sammy, feeling betrayed he told my most important secret to some stranger. He knew how I felt when it go out last time.

"I can't believe you did that." I signed to Sammy. His face dropped.

"I thought it would be nice, then at least you don't have to pretend with everyone." Sammy signed trying to be caring. He reached his hand up to caress my shoulder. I moved away.

"What's she saying?" Hailey turned to Sammy, her smile faltering a little.

"Excuse me." I signed back to Hailey, knowing she wouldn't understand, before walking back into the hall and up the stairs to my room.

I placed Hunter's jacket neatly on my bed but threw my bag into the corner of my room in frustration. It crashed into my closet and knocked a pile of socks out. The bag lay open, my copy of Pride and Prejudice lay strewn on the floor; half in the bag, half on the floor.

I grabbed my book and brought it back to my bed, ready to get lost in Elizabeth Bennett's life. I put on the light next to my bed and opened my book. I reread the same page three times, I couldn't take it in.

I was pulled out of my reading by my door opening. Sammy's head piped around the corner.

"Hi." He signed as he gingerly walked into the room.

"You know that wasn't your place to tell her." I signed to Sammy as he came to sit on the end of my bed.

"I'm sorry. But you have to admit, it would be nice for you not to work so hard to communicate with people." Sammy signed, slightly shrugging his shoulders, his arms lingering for a minute too long.

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