Chapter 6

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The school has been going crazy since we won the football match. Every time Sammy and Jake walk down the corridor there's at least twenty girls following behind. The boys had somehow grown a fan following over the last couple of days, and it was starting to get to Sammy's head.

As we walked down the corridor eyes stared. Girls gawked and fluttered their eyelashes at the boys. They pushed to even walk next to them, completely disregarding me and Alice in the meantime.

I was surprised how many dirty looks I had received for even just being around my brother. So many girls didn't understand our relationship, and it showed. They pitied Sammy for having to put up with the 'silent sister' as I had been commonly called.

"Oh Sammy, you're so great being so close with your sister, even if she doesn't speak."

"Oh Sammy, how do you manage to look after your sister and make it look so easy?"

"Oh Sammy, you truly are a brilliant brother for having to put up with the stress of your silent sister."

Sammy would disregard every rude comment and would argue with them but secretly it was true. I am an extra stress.

As the comments continued it was hard for me to ignore them. I started to believe everything that the girls were saying, and the worst thing was I couldn't tell my best friend about it. I couldn't tell Sammy, all he would say was 'just ignore them, Ri' or 'they just don't understand, Ri'. But maybe they knew more than we realised.

My thoughts were interrupted by a hand tapping on my shoulder and another waving in my face. Realising I was blanked out, I turned around to face the person in front of me.

"Riley, did you hear what I said?" Sammy stood next to me in front of my open locker.

I looked at him, giving him a 'really, did you just ask that?' face.

"You know what I mean." He said rolling his eyes. I chuckled. I loved to tease him. It's so easy.

"Anyway. The team's having a party tonight, me and Jake have been invited." He said. His face lit up with excitement.

I smiled and shrugged at him to show I was excited for him. I turned back to continue getting my books out of my locker, getting ready to leave for the walk home.

Sammy turned my shoulders around to face him. "You and Alice should come."

I gave him a look of confusion and panic. Yeah right that was going to happen.

I shook my head vigorously and turned back to close my locker door. The boy was was mad. Why would I go to a high school party?

He took both my books out of my hand and marched up to Alice and Jake who were waiting for us both at the end of the corridor, without a second glance at me.

I quickly followed after him an annoyed look plastered on my face.

By the time I had reached them, Sammy had already asked Alice. A smile had broken out on her face and she looked so excited.

She looked at me. "You're coming too, right Ri?"

I shook my head and turned to glare at Sammy.

"Hell yeah she is." He said, poking his tongue out at me as he pulled Alice and Jake down the corridor and out of the school gates.

I followed behind, knowing that there was no way I could get myself out of this.


A Silence Full of SoundHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin