Chapter 14

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Over the weeks that followed I had got closer to Lucas. We had spent days sat talking; mostly him talking and me nodding or shaking my head.

Similarly Sammy had gotten closer to Hailey. I was enjoying seeing her around and getting to know her. As the only girl I could be myself around, and due to her closeness with my brother we instantly became good friends.

I was sat watching tv; some romantic movie about a girl falling in love with her next door neighbour was playing. I wasn't really watching, but I let it play.

Sammy walked into the room. "Hailey's coming over, is that okay with you?" He signed lifting my legs from the couch cushion to sit down next to me. He placed my legs back on top of his lap and pulled out his phone.

Kicking him slightly in the stomach, I signed, raising an eyebrow "Do you want me to leave?"

He pushed my legs firmly off his lap and my feet landed on the floor heavily and forced me to sit up.
"No you're okay." He signed laughing at my discomfort as I rubbed my feet.

"Lucas is coming over as well. It'll be nice for them to meet." I signed over to Sammy.

In the time that I had been seeing Lucas and Sammy has been seeing Hailey, both Hailey and Lucas had never seen or met each other. Although I had told Hailey about him and tried to tell Lucas about Hailey, they never had actually met.

"Question is, do you want me to leave?" Sammy signed, wiggling his eyebrows in the same way I had. I slapped him over the head and stuck my tongue out.

Sammy joined me watching the romantic film until the doorbell light flashed. Both of us looked at each other before turning to look at the door through the living room archway. Sammy jumped up and walked over to the door, his pace pushed. I watched intensely, waiting to see who would be the first to arrive.

Sammy opened the door and Hailey was standing on the other side. He pulled her in for a hug and a kiss before her attention turned to me through the doorway.

As soon as she saw me she pushed Sammy off of her and put the way and headed straight in for me; the biggest smile plastered on her face.

"Hey girlie!" She said as she sat down next to me. I gave her a big smile and a little wave and she pulled me in for a bear hug. She definitely cut off the circulation to my arms...

As we pulled away from the hug, I looked over at Sammy. He plastered a fake look of hurt on his face as he pointed to himself; giving Hailey the best puppy dog face he could muster.

I could see her giggle at him as she pulled him down onto the arm of the sofa and nuzzled her head into his arm. They were both very cute.

And I felt very alone.

"So tell me what's been happening with you?" Hailey said, slowing down so that I could see what she was saying.

"Not much, just been focusing on schoolwork and hanging out with Lucas" I signed and Sammy translated. I blushed when I signed Lucas' name.

I had given him a name sign to make it easier to sign. His name sign tend to base around the fact that he talks a lot. So I made the letter L by the corner of my mouth and twitched my fingers together.

I had thought the name sign was cute. It reflected a big part of his personality and I wanted something that would capture his essence. Sammy had laughed when I came up with it, but told me it worked and seeing as Lucas, probably, was never going to find out, we were all good!

"Was that Lucas?!" Hailey said using the name sign for Lucas. I nodded my head and she smiled. It means so much to me that she was actually taking the time to look and learn what I'm saying. Not many people in my life have.

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