Random HCs

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-He's not a big fan of coffee but he really like coffee jelly, especially with whipped cream.

-He occasionally wears aloha shirts because they're loose and comfortable

-He likes citypop music

-He can speak Italian and Russian surprisingly well. You can speak 5 different languages, Italian and Russian included, so occasionally you guys will talk to eachother in different languages.

-Your dad doesn't know you're dating Kurapika yet, but has met Kurapika before and really likes him. He thinks Kurapika is a very honorable man

-Kurapika's co-workers all know you two are dating but have to keep it a secret

-You had to teach him how to send gifs over text message, now everytime he talks to you he sends lots of gifs and emojis

-He really likes the taste of honey

-He wants to teach you how to use nen but thinks you're already using nen unconsciously

-Whenever he talks about the Phantom Troupe and his plans of revenge to you he always feels a bit guilty. When he found out that your mom's life was taken by the Phantom Troupe he felt an uncontrollable rage, however, when he looked at you to see if you were also angry he was really shocked to see how calm you were. When he asked why you were so calm and not seeking revenge, you told him seeking revenge would not bring your mom back, and even if you did seek revenge that would put you at the same level of the Phantom Troupe.

-At first Kurapika didn't understand what you meant by this but had a flashback to what Gon said about not wanting him to become a murderer. He started to cry a lot and you comforted him until he felt better.

-He adores you tremendously and finds you very precious to him. You have shown him how to be gentle even in the worst of situations and he really admires your calm demeanor. 

-You both like a lot of the same books so you guys constantly make references to them or call eachother names from the books. Everyone else thinks it's weird.

-When you met Melody, she told you your heartbeat was very pleasant to listen to. She has never heard a heartbeat as soothing and graceful as yours. She agrees with Kurapika and thinks you may be using nen unconsciously but is not sure what your ability would be.

-Gon and Killua text you a lot and make you play 8-ball with them. If you don't respond quick enough they call you asking if you're okay (so cute)

-Kurapika likes to braid your hair and is actually really good at it

-Sometimes Leorio calls you and asks for relationship advice. You told him to stop calling his girlfriend old woman and he yelled "BUT SHE IS AN OLD WOMAN"


-He always sucks on lemonheads when he studies

-Even though he yells at you a lot and teases you, he really thinks the world of you. He thinks you're the most beautiful woman he has ever laid eyes on and can't stop thinking about you

-He really likes tempura and grilled onigiri

-When he told you the reason why he wants to become a doctor you couldn't stop crying because you thought that was the kindest thing anyone has ever said. The next morning your eyes were very puffy and red, Leorio couldn't stop laughing at you and said you looked like a bug

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