Their "guilty pleasures"

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⛓Kurapika⛓FOOD:-Honey toast -Kurapika lowkey has a sweet tooth. He looooves the taste of warm bread with honey, ice cream and fruit. He doesn't like to eat stuff like this in front of his mafia buddies though.. it makes him feel awkward :(-Whenever you make it for him he will get so excited.. even if he's in a bad mood. It's the little things amirightladies

-Enter The Dragon

-You know damn well Kurapika is a sucker for Bruce Lee. He thinks Bruce is the COOLEST and secretly really really really wants a yellow track suit too 🥺

-He def respects how poised and wise Bruce is. He's probably on Kurapika's top 10 people "I wish I could meet" list.


-One Kiss

-He adores this song. It reminds him of the first time you guys kissed and how he fell even more in love with you. Whenever it comes on the radio, he is def bumping this and singing along to it.

-It gives him those tropical pool vibes and he freaking loves it


-Pina coladas

-He really doesn't like bitter alcohol too much but pina coladas? Hell yeah that's his jam.

-He NEVER orders them when he's around other guards or his mafia buddies but when he's with you, Melody or Leorio he is def getting these all night long

Just some random HC's:

-He really enjoys beach / pool days with you. The sun always puts him in a good mood and he loves kicking back and enjoying the day with you. Cruising down the high way near the beach is his favorite thing ever. He likes to drive his convertible, top down and enjoy the breeze hitting his face. He finds the ocean super comforting and loves listening to the waves crash against the sand.

-He's sooo good at Karaoke. He's a little shy about his voice but he actually sings super well. You were so shocked the first time you heard him sing. 

-Whenever you rip your clothes you have Kurapika sew them for you. He's really good at sewing and sometimes likes to make little shirts or dresses for you when he has time.

-He likes playing word games like boggle and wordscapes on his phone.

🩺Leorio🩺FOOD:-Pad thai. This dude will literally eat pad thai every single day if you let him. He likes how convenient, cheap and filling it is.-You have to convince him to eat something else for dinner otherwise he will just order Thai food and call it a day.-Besides pad thai he will literally eat trail mix or peanut m&ms all day long. He's too damn lazy/tired to cook.

-Mean Girls. He thinks this movie is freaking hilarious and loves the slutty Halloween scene.

-He will quote this movie whenever he has a chance. "She doesn't even go here" is hysterical to him. Anytime he says that he starts busting out laughing until he cries.


-Anything by Britney Spears. This man stans the pop queen. Whenever any of her songs comes on in the club he will be singing along and busting moves like there is no tomorrow.

-You know he loves his pop music but like damn.. his love for Britney is real.


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