When you ignore them

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"Butterrffly! I'm home!" Kurapika sings, throwing his brown jacket onto your desk.

Jamming out to your favorite song, earphones in, volume up high, you continue to fold your laundry, taking zero notice of your golden-haired boyfriend.

"How was your day?" He loosens up his striped red tie.

Hmm I wonder if I should hang this up or put it in my dresser? You contemplate while holding up a sheer white blouse.


It might get wrinkled. I should definitely hang it up. You throw the blouse over your shoulder and onto your bed.


The chorus comes in and you start fervently mouthing the lyrics. 

"(Y/NNNN)?? Are you mad because I didn't respond to your gif?"

 I should really buy more hangers. Maybe I should get white ones this time? Make it all aesthetic.


I should hang this one up too. Another white blouse goes over your shoulder.

"(Y/N)! Talk to me love. What did I do wrong?"

Ohhh I should listen to that one song. The 369 damn she fine one. I haven't heard that in a long time. A long-sleeve black dress flies over your shoulder and then a red one, both landing on top of your messy bed. I have too many damn clothes that need to be hung up. Maybe I'll ask Pika to do it for me... I'll offer him honey toast. He can't say no to that. 

Suddenly, you feel something warm snake around your neck and a terrified scream tumbles from your lips. Quickly turning your body around, a very agitated Kurapika with his tie draped over your neck comes into view. As he starts mouthing something to you, you squint your eyes in confusion. 

Pulling out your earphones you yell: "WHAT?!" 

"I said sorry! I didn't realize you had your earphones in. I thought you were just ignoring me." He pouts.

"Aww honey no! I was just folding the laundry and listening to music. I didn't even know you came in!" You wrap your arms around his waist and giggle.

"I'm relieved to know you weren't ignoring me." He holds both ends of his tie in one hand and pulls you in closer. "Otherwise I'd be very very upset."

"I would never ignore you." You whisper as the tie slowly gets tighter around your neck.

"Good girl." He replies as his pupils darken. 


Throwing open your massive textbook, you flip to page 451 and start furiously writing down notes. Your professor's nearly impossible assignment was driving you to the brink of insanity thus shooting your stress levels through the roof. Completely absorbed by this arduous task, the sound of the front door slamming goes unnoticed by you as well as the lanky man striding through the door.

"Yo! I brought some snacks over." He says, kicking his brown loafers off. "Do you have any gatorade? I gotta get my electrolyte on."

Flipping to page 651, you highlight another important passage and circle a few names to look up later. 

"Also do you have any AA batteries?" 

Throwing the textbook onto the floor, you quickly open up your laptop and furiously start typing out an introduction for your essay. Shuffling into the kitchen with his mismatched socks, Leorio puts his face next to your ear and whispers:

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