It's Her

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(A/N- All the cast is played by themselves in this book. NayVee is played by Zendaya)

I held onto my sister's hand as we walked through the halls. "It's okay," Kat told me softly squeezing my hand a little. I looked down at my feet no longer wanting to watch the people walking past. "What if it's her?" I questioned. "Then we'll deal with it... But it won't be." She told me confidently. I wanted to believe her but I couldn't. Mum has been missing for three days. Our plane crashed. Kat and I were seated together and mum sat alone she said she wanted some peace and quiet from our constant talking.

We didn't mind too much because we hadn't seen each other in a while, filming in two different states meant we didn't get to spend too much time together. When the plane crashed I don't remember much of the actual falling from the sky part but the landing in the freezing water I remember clearly. We were from New York where an award show we were invited to was being hosted. Both of us were up for an award so our mum came out for it... I wish she didn't. 

Being at the morgue to identify a body wasn't my ideal way to spend my first weekend home. "Miss's Graham. How are you girls feeling?" I let Kat answer. "We're hanging in." She tells the officer. "Thank you for coming in today." I looked up at the older man. He had green eyes a greying beard and a little bit of a beer belly. Kat didn't say anything. "We just need you to say if it's Natasha Graham." We both nodded, before being lead into the cold room. There was someone else stood at the head of the table that the body was laid on. She smiled at us but I didn't have the energy to smile. Nor did Kat.

She slowly pulled back the sheet and Kat turned away before the body was revealed I looked at her. "I can't look." She said. "It's okay, I'll do it," I say I didn't want her to have to go through it. She had been strong for the past three days, she held me whilst I cried and now it's my turn to be strong for her. I let go of her hand and turned around. 

I kept my gaze high for a moment before slowly trailing down to the body. I blinked away the tears as I looked at the long black hair that was combed through. And then the bruise that was forming around her big brown eyes. "Vee?" Kat said. "It's her... it's our mum." I whisper I didn't want Kat to hear. She began to sob the second I spoke. I reached to close her eyes so she could be at peace and sleep. She looked more peaceful with her eyes closed, it mirrored her sleeping as opposed to the lifeless eyes I looked in just a second ago. "I'm sorry." The officer that Brought us in said. Kat pulled me close to her, I wrapped my arms around her tightly she tucked under my chin perfectly. I got my height from my dad. "We're gonna be okay," I tell her. We were both 'adults' in the eyes of the world but having the fathers we had we were mummy's girls still to this day, we both called her at least once a day we saw her at least once a week when we could. We were all each other had. 

"Let's get you, girls, out of here." They lead us out and into another room. One that was warmer than the one our mother was in. Her pale face and blue lips flashed through my mind with each step I took. An image I wouldn't get rid of for a while. We sat down close together still holding on to one another. "Is there anyone I could call to drive you girls home?" He asked after giving us a few minutes to calm down and process. "Um... Ian Somerhalder..." Kat said and the officer nodded and took Kat's phone from her. "I can do it," I say take it back. He nodded and left us. "I'll be back okay." She nodded again. 

"Hello?" Ian's voice echoed through the phone. "Um... I don't know if Kat told you... it's Nayvee by the way... What we were doing today?" "Yeah she did, you girls okay?" I looked around before blinking a few times. "Not really. It was mum." "I'm so sorry Nayvee." He says sincerely. "Kat said to call to see if you could come get us from the more, the officer does want us to drive." I heard shuffling and other voices. "Yeah of course. I'll be there in 20." "Thank you, Ian." "Of course." I hung up and went back to Kat.

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