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Hi guys! I wanted to note something.

So, it's about the Hoseok and Doyoung situation.  So...


Doyoung's goal was to get Hoseok to fall for him. This is why he tried his best to make everything feel good for him. He wanted Hoseok to be confused.

Hoseok didnt like anything that was being done to him, but he had natural body reactions to it.

This doesnt change the fact it's still r*pe. Just because someone has a natural body reaction to something doesnt mean they like it.

If you're being force fed your favourite food it may taste good but you still dont want to eat it.

If you're pushed onto a trampoline you're going to jump even if you dont want to.

It's the same for this situation. I wanted to make this clear for anyone who has ever been put into this situation or know someone in this situation.

It isnt wrong to have natural reactions to something like this. It is no reason to keep quiet about it. It doesnt make what you went through any different. It's still wrong and it's still r*pe, no matter how you felt during it.

If you were forced, then it's r*pe.
If you were pressured, then it's r*pe.
If you were drugged, then its r*pe.
If you didnt give consent (a clear yes), then it's r*pe.
If you were drunk, then it's r*pe.

And please dont forget sexual assault can go both ways. Both men and women and subs and doms.

In conclusion, I'd like to say that it's ok to have natural reactions to things. Consent is very important no matter who you're with or what you're doing. An intoxicated person cannot consent. Dont stay silent with these things. I hope you all stay safe and keep these things in mind. Love ya'll.

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