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Sope POV:

"WHAT!?" Jimin yelled, scaring Yoongi awake.

"W-what??" He asked, turning his head a little, seeing Hoseok there staring out the window.

"Seokie! Are you ok??" He asked, hugging the younger tightly.

Hoseok immedietly hugged him back tightly, sobbing into his neck.

"Seokie, what's wrong?"

"Someone raped him, hyung."


"I-i c-cant m-move, h-hyung" he said through his tears.

Hoseok's legs were practically paralyzed, allowing him to only be able to move above his waist.

"Were you drugged? You had to have been, you left for the nurse, right??" Yoongi asked.

Hoseok nodded a little, soon calming down and pulling away. He then noticed Yoongi's tear stained face. "Why were you crying, hyung?"

Yoongi laughed light and looked away. "Haha...um..."

"Yeah, tell him Yoongi. About how you pretty much ruined my fucking car." Jin said, pouting a little as he drove.

"I um..."

"Three times, Yoongi. THREE TIMES IN MY CAR."


"Wait wait, what??"

Yoongi sighed a little. "So a little after you left I started getting weird feelings. I asked Namjoon to take me out of the class. I um...I had to borrow Jimin's clothes...which I ruined as well..." he muttered.

"He came in my fucking car 3 times and once in school." Jin said bluntly.

"You what!? How?? Why??" 

"I dont know I swear to god! It felt like someone was here doing things to me." He said.

"I took a video."


Jimin pulled out his phone again and showed Hoseok the video of him in the car.

"Oh wow..."

"This isnt about me Hoseok was literally raped!? Are you ok, baby??" He asked Hoseok.

"I'm fine..."

"Do you know who did it?" Namjoon asked.


"You could get them arrested."

"No. I'm scared...what if he comes back?"

"He wont if hes in fucking jail!" Yoongi yelled.

"Who was it??" Jimin asked.









"Shit you right." Jin said, walking inside, holding Yoongi as he walked.

"Damn straight.

"Want me to drop you?"

"No, sorry."

Soon everyone got into the house and they placed Hoseok and Yoongi on the couch.

"Do you wanna cancel our appointment for after school?" Yoongi asked quietly.

"No. We still have like 3 hours. Speaking of which, did you guys really skip school for this?"

"Yup." Jimin said with a smile. "But for real, Hobi hyung are you ok? He really raped you."

Hoseok shrugged a little. "I'll be ok. It was terrifying but at least it wasn't a total stranger." He answered, hugging yoongi tightly.

"Well, we'll stay beside you as long as you need. There's no doubt you'll have nightmares tonight. Someone will have to stay with you anyways because if you dont throw up sometime soon you'll have to go to the hospital." Namjoon informed them.

"What, why?"

"Because your body should go into shock after that. If you dont there's something wrong."

Hoseok nodded, soon covering his mouth with his hands.

Jin immedietly brought over a near by trashcan and Hoseok threw up into it.

Yoongi rubbed his back soothingly, whispering sweet nothings into his ear.

After a few minutes, Hoseok was ok but breathing heavily.

"Come on, I'm bringing the two of you to the bathroom." Namjoon said, Jimin automatically picking up Yoongi.

The two let them, leaning into their chests. "We need to talk about what happened with Yoongi hyung. Also Hoseok hyung, can Yoongi hyung borrow some of your clothes?" Namjoon asked.

Hoseok nodded. "Yeah but they'll probably be big on him."

Namjoon nodded, placing Hoseok in the tub while Jimin put Yoongi on the sink.

"I think this is a soulmate thing." Yoongi said suddenly.


"Like, I think this is a soulmate thing. To know if your soulmate ever cheats on you. Except, you didnt cheat..."

"Ok, but why would it feel good if Hoseok hyung was raped?" Jimin asked

"Because it didn't hurt. It felt good, I was just scared out of my mind while it was happening. Just because it felt good doesnt mean I want it to happen again." Hoseok explained.

Yoongi nodded. "I didnt have a reason to be scared so it just felt good to me. My head was hurting so I shouldve known something was up but I was too distracted by what was happening to notice."

"Hyung I cannot believe you came 4 times."

"Four? If it's a soulmate thing I only did twice." Hoseok said.

"I doubt yoongi hyung can't last as long as you." Jimin said, laughing a little.

"Oh fuck off."

Soon Namjoon came back in with Hoseok's clothes and handed a pair to Yoongi and to Hoseok in the tub. Jimin and Namjoon left and Yoongi changed. "Do you need help, Seokie?"

Hoseok nodded a little and Yoongi got down from the sink, his knees buckling a little. "Fuck how hard did this guy go on you..." he muttered, doing his best to walk to Hoseok and kneel down beside the tub.

"I'm sorry. I can't feel below my waist so I dont know how bad it is." He said softly.

"No, no it's fine. It's not your fault, Seokie." He said kindly, kissing his cheek softly before going to help him change into sweats.

Soon the two were both changed and Yoongi yelled for Jimin, making grabby hands to the younger.

"You are a helpless child." Jimin said, picking yoongi up.

"Its not my fault my ass was destroyed today..." he muttered, holding onto him tightly.

Namjoon soon came in, picking Hoseok up from the tub. The two walked their hyungs downstairs to the couch and sat them down.

Jin had thrown Jimin and Yoongi's clothes in the washing machine and was now coming back upstairs from the basement. "Alright everything's set. How long do you guys have until you go to the doctors?"

"About 2 hours." Yoongi answered.

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