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Hoseok's POV:

Hoseok sat with his friends at their usual lunch table. Jungkook was a freshmen while Jimin and Taehyung were Sophmores, but Jungkook was a social butterfly who lead Jimin and Taehyung the 3 juniors.

"Hey, who's that?" Jungkook asked motioning to the mint haired boy sitting alone.

"Oh, that's Yoongi. Hoseokie has a biig crush on him." Jin said teasingly.

Hoseok covered his face which was starting to turn red.

"Oh really? Why is he sitting alone?"

"He's shy. Jin hyung and I have tried to talk to him but he wont open up. Hoseok hyung's too scared to talk to him."
Namjoon answered.

"I'll go talk to him then!" Jungkook said, standing before the 3 could protest.

From the look of it, Jungkook was making out very well. Yoongi didn't seem to be pushing away as he did with others and Jungkook eventually had sat down with him.

After a few minutes, Hoseok motioned to come over, but when all 5 off them started to stand he stopped them.

"No, no. Just Hobi hyung." Jungkook said.

Hoseok pointed to himself in confusion. Jungkook nodded with a smile.

Hoseok felt another blush creep on his cheeks so he pulled up his hood and grabbed his tray. He sat down next to Jungkook and looked down at the table.

"Hey." Yoongi said softly.

"Hi." Hoseok said not looking up.

"You gonna look at me?" Yoongi asked with a soft chuckle.

Hoseok hesitated as his face was still a soft pink, but he took a deep breath and made eye contact with the smaller.

It was the first time he had truly gotten a look at his face. He had pretty light eyes and a soft angel like face. His cheeks were slightly tinted pink and his lips formed a pout.

Hes adorable-

"Earth to Hobi!!" Jungkook said waving a hand in front of his face. Hoseok snapped out of his daze and looked at Jungkook.

"Damn you are whipped-" Jungkook whispered to him.

"What??" Yoongi asked

"Nothing! Why did you want me to come over anyways?" Hoseok asked quickly changing the subject.

"Well, you're in a lot of my classes. I see you around a lot and it's about time I've made a few friends. You also seem very nice." Yoongi said softly.

"Oh. Well...I hope we can become friends. You seem nice too." Hoseok said offering a smile which Yoongi returned.

"Can I meet your other friends?" Yoongi asked

"Yeah sure! They'd love to meet you!" Jungkook answered and waved over the rest of the group.

They sat down and conversation quickly. Yoongi seemed to fall right in place with the 6 of them. That was good. He wanted Yoongi to feel like he had a place with him and his friends. Soon, the bell for their next class rang.

"Hey, dont we all have gym together? You wanna walk with us, Yoongi?" Hoseok offered

"Oh. Sure." Yoongi said with a smile.

The four walked to class together. They had a nice chat on the way about random things. They were laughing by the time the got to the gymnasium. Their teacher let them have a free period, so Yoongi dribbled a basketball while walking around with Hoseok.

"So, why do you sit alone? Are you just shy?" Hoseok asked

"Yeah. It's kinda hard for me to make friends." Yoongi said quietly. He seemed focused on his basketball.

"Aw. I'm sorry. May I ask why it's hard for you?" Hoseok asked.

He then stopped himself. Yoongi was shy, he might be overwhelmed by all the questions. "Of course, you dont have to answer. I'm sorry if I'm annoying you with the questions I'm just curious, you know? You dont have to answer them all you can tell me to stop if you want.." Hoseok said all in one big sentence.

"Its ok, Hoseok." Yoongi said with a slight chuckle.

"My square is grey. It's been grey since I was born I think? So whenever someone brings up the idea about soulmates and I tell them that, they pity me. I hate to be pitied."

"Oh. I see. I'm sorry your shape is grey. If it makes you feel better...I dont have a shape." Hoseok said with a slight smile.

"You dont!?" Yoongi asked

"No...I've never had one. I just assumed that I don't have a soulmate." Hoseok said sadly.

"Well, I guess if we both dont have soulmates we could be soulmates." Yoongi said with a slight laugh that showed off his gummy smile.

Hoseok grew red at the thought. He laughed it off and shook his head.

"Eh. We don't need soulmates. We're independent bitches." Yoongi said looking up at him.

Hoseok smiled and nodded.

Yoongi threw his basketball into the hoop, making it in with a swish.

Once again, Hoseok was left stunned by Yoongi's perfection.

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