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Azrel was a magical place. there were many hidden spots, that were never touched by human's hands or whoever was it. those peacfull places where the natura was living on her own, no distrubsions. there was life.

why would they want to escpape from such a beautiful kingdom? Azrel was the biggest territory with more than two kingdoms. true, magical and etheral place it was. very jugmental too. and not everyone was who they were. many of them had their own secrets, another side of their lifes that they were hiding.

the two boys were definently not a exception.

it is normal to keep secrets, but if they could hurt somebody, you better tell them.

and the real truth was, if you could choose to live in Azrel or not, you better run. because the kingdom of the five elementals were not only like in the fairy tales, where it's shining from magic. but dangerous and dark place.

mostly the conflict between the north and the south. well, their deer sons didn't know about it. of course the famillies had to hate each kingdom. territory? wealth? 

because the child, the of the ice kingdom was born cursed. if the child of Queen Azeline, Queen of the Fire Kingdom never gave birth to her first child, the life would be better.

althought the two boys really got into each other. not realising what a danger they could make. a haus. making the gods angry was probably the worst.

but who could blame them? they were just in their twenties, wanting to feel love. to feel loved.

and jeongguk definently felt something more to taehyung.

the boy was different in any ways. and why exactly him? because this is kim taehyung. pure heart, someone who would never thing bad for you, or even curse you! a living angel. //angel of death//


''y-you came?'' jeongguk turned to his left when he heard footsteps coming by, so gentle and soft. of course it had to be kim taehyung. he would always recognize this gorgeous face of his and the sweet scent coming from his clothes.

''i told you I would..'' he smiled at him, totally warming jeongguk's heart. he was so fallen into him. and taehyung as well. ''oh and please, you better don't ask what I told my parents..''.

''should I be worried?'' still with crossed hands, jeongguk looked at taehyung who came closer

''nah, don't think so..maybe?'' he giggled in the end making the older crack their neck, whispering 'oh, taehyung-ssi..'.

''so? how did our jeon jeongguk will manage to get us to kumito?'' taehyung asked as he fixed his scarf to keep him warmer.

''you said you loved horses, right?'' jeongguk smiled teasily and raised eyebrows for a second, trailing his head closer to taehyung, making the boy giggle.

''of course! what about it?''

''we, dear taehyung, will ride a horse to there'' jeongguk went over his really big royal horse, as patted the seat.

''you are kidding, right? tell me you are kidding..''

''nu-huh. taehyung-ah'' he grabbed his wrist, letting him touch the horse to make sure it is real.

''you silly..you know the ride to there is almost two hours? do you even know how to get to there-''

''you will ride'' he immediately cut him off, trying his best to keep control, because definitely the boy was driving him crazy.

''my moon goddes let's go!'' he smiled wide and clapped with hands from excitement. he gently pressed a kiss on the horse's forehead and said 'please don't let us die' even he was a very good rider.

jeongguk managed to get over first and then reached out to taehyung, to help him sit. he was going to stay right behind taehyung the whole time.

''you sure? you never left me ride-'' the grey-haired boy turned to watch over his back, only to hear from jeungguk he knew what were they doing.

''I trust you, tae. even i'm right beside you. nothing bad will happen.'' he whishpered and gently pecked his nape, making the boy blush out of the nowhere. taehyung only nod and gripped the reins confidently.

but jeongguk's hands slowly head to hold taehyung by the waist, making the boy feel so comfortable.

''so..um have you been there before?'' the boy asked, still unsure if they will catch the right way to there. what if they get lost?! he hissed in his mind.

''a few years ago, yes. my familly paid a visit to the crowned prince back then'' he said in his usual deep voice.

''w-wait, what if someone notices us there! we will get in serious trouble!'' taehyung got stressed out again, wich was absolutely not good for his health.

''they won't, snow white. calm down and relax. we won't go to the city town where are everyone. almost no one lives exactly near the purpule sea. it's fine tae''

taehyung breathed deeply and said ''i'm sorry I am like this, jeongguk. I supposed I am a total overthinker...probably you think I am weird..''

''there's no such thing, yuki. you are yourself and i like you the way you are'' he said, but he realised he still didn't confess to taehyung so he quicly corrected himself ''i-i meant..just be who you are''

'he makes me blush too much'

'i feel safe with him..'

'what is happening to me'

taehyung was fighting with his own emotions during the ride as well. they were having some small talks, nothing much. there were some awkward silents, but taehyung decided to break the silence ''jeongguk, can I ask you something?'' he said, looking at the horizon infront of him.

''ya?'' he shortly said, no compliment or a nickname, after he may exposed himself earlier.

''the day we got into fight...I said you only think about becoming a King..I know it was long ago, but I know how stressful it might be for you..I was selfish to-''

''taehyung, really it's alright-''

''let me finish, guk!'' he formed a cute pout and continued, and I know some..um probably you will have an engaged marriage...I know this happens to every future king. what I mean to say is, of you have some troubles you can always tell me''

'he really thinks I will marry someone, huh?' jeongguk thought, as raised an eyebrow ''look, tae. I might get married or not, I will not love this woman. I don't know what will happen, but i'm into somoeone else..''

'oh..there's another one' taehyung's mood suddenly dropped ''really! can I know who is the lucky one?'' he asked.

''I will tell you soon, don't worry. now watch over, try not to loose grip, tae'' saying this, jeongguk realised maybe taehyung was really something//more than he expected/.



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