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NOTE : this chapter will represent taehyung's point of view. still, the chapter is important for the character's feelings and thoughts.

the minute jeongguk gave to me this ring, I had a feeling that this whole situation between us would let to only good things.

truth to be told, I hate the most when we are forced to separate once again and leave to our kingdoms. maybe I dislike th thoughts I would be back to the castle where I have no place or that I will be again left alone.

''I will see you soon, okay?''he always says that. everytime before we are gone, he always says this. he always promises to me he will return, he won't leave or disappear in the nowhere.

I trust him.

everytime he makes his promises, tells me what's on his mind...anything. I trust jeon jeongguk. I barely ever have the chance to trust anyone. the only reason is that whenever I trust anyone, they leave soon or never or start being cold to me again.

I am not sure if he knows what he is doing to me. the effect he has upon to me.

and the life is returning back to its normal the moment I step at the territory of the kingdom. being watched from every side. guards, maids, park jinyoung is not helping to the situation since my mother had hired him.

the contrast how I have no trust towards my parents and they don't have mine. what a perfect family.

the atmosphere feels somehow different than with him. it's lively and carefree. it feels amazing, actually. I never thought I would feel such comfort.

then I stepped in my chambers, and I was finally able to take off my mask once again. I always put it on in the kingdom, and take it off when I am alone or with jeongguk.

the mask that hides who am I truely. the kim taehyung almost no one sees or communicate with. the real me, the one I want always to be.

but people are judgmental. it seems like not everyone is like that, not anymore. exactly one person is truely honest with me.

I laid my exhausted body, from the so long day of course, and rested my head at the soft pillow. I was starring at the ceiling with a smile forming on my lips.

I was happier than ever.

afterwards I rose my hand up, the exact hand that jeongguk placed the ring. even it was placed over the white glove, I still loved the way it looked like.

it may be only a simple ring, but for me every simple things are the most special. it was from the bottom from his heart, that's how it was feeling. that he had collected his emotions in one so simple and special at the same time ring.

It was like...he was with me when I was wearing it. I wanted to feel like I am never alone, not anymore.

and so, I did something I hardly ever do.

I took of the gloves.

the gloves that's been such a protective shield to hide my curse since young age. I hate it, I've always hate it. I've been hiding this from everyone. absolutely everyone.

as soon as my parents found out I was cursed, they were disguised. it was like they've never loved me only because of this. they felt ashamed. they are still blaming me I was the reason my brother disappeared long years ago.

because he wanted to run from a monster. my mother and father, the same queen and king, can't stand their last child because I am the reason their favourite child never returned.

but..maybe things change.

I won't hide anymore. I won't hide it from jeongguk..a-and I'm sure about it. it's really painful to me. however, I think it is time to tell him everything.

we have a trust to each other. I believe he would understand me. he needs to understand me.

he won't leave..right? he won't be affraid as everyone else is. everyone is afraid from a twnty-one years old prince, that's been unknown cursed from who knows what. there was a chance my parents to know what is wrong with me, but they would never tell me. why would they?

that's why I promise myself to tell jeongguk about it. I am ready.


I was slowly closing my eyes as I was feeling how my body was too tired to fight against the sleep. for first time since...I don't even remember how long, I was going to fall asleep with a smile on the face. a smile that doens't hold any pain, but the exact opposite. a real smile, not a fake one. a smile that hold happiness

I have already taken off the gloves, but only to stare at the ring until I fall asleep. my eyes were not starring at the painful black spots and lines that were spreading at my hands, but at the shiny red crystal.

as if his presence was here. with me. the red little and shiny crystal would always make me thing of jeongguk and his kingdom. a comfort place was exactly the person I met not so long ago.

oh, we met only almost three months ago...right..I have forgotten.

when I realise it, were we in a rush? did everything happened too fast? almost three months we met, became friends...t-then had the first kiss..gain a trust.

does it happen so fast? to..to find the one?

I hate those thought. even I don't believe in them, they make me snap to the reality the time we met was a too short one. however, the was no turning back. it just happened, that's it. nothing would change. probably he didn't even notice as I didn't notice until now.

or maybe it's the lack from sleep and I needed to sleep for real...


we all hate them, don't we?

the nightmare, as the demons of dreams, comes to educate you if you are brave enough to look into these dark recesses of the brain.

the nightmare is a horse that will carry you home after you have explored the dark.

but this nightmare was something else. such darkness haven't been seen from more than thousands of year. probably even more.

the only voice that was heard in the black darkness was 'naive creature' repeating again and again. it was booming in taehyung's head until the morning, when he woke up with a heavy-breathing and fast beating heart.

he was terrified to death, because this seemed more than just a nightmare.

it was a sign.


so, I did something :,)

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so, I did something :,)

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