Chapter Three: The Dress

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After their first class of the day, Jasper and Dani were leaning again her locker talking softly to each other and ignoring the rest of the world around them. Then suddenly a pixie haired girl appeared next to them with the brightest of smiles on her face and a gift wrapped box in her hands.

"Happy-" Alice's voice was loud as she tried to wish Daniella a happy birthday.

"Shh, Alice.." Dani said, awkwardly tried to tell Alice that she didn't want everyone to know about her birthday. Alice whispered in her ear as she hugged Dani.


Daniella hugged Alice back before they pulled away and she leaned back onto the lockers beside Jasper once again as hid the present in her locker so no one else would see it.

"Alice, I thought I said no presents." Dani spoke lowly.

"Oh, you did. I didn't." Alice said smiling at her, "Plus, I've already seen you open it and you love it."

"You had a vision about my birthday?" Dani asked curiously.

"And about the black dress you're going to wear to yours and Bella's party tonight. Great color on you too." Alice replied.

"..Our party?" Dani was hesitant as she looked at Alice and then over to Jasper seeing his amused face.

"Hey, it was all Alice's idea. I swear." He said wrapping an arm around Daniella's shoulders.

"Please? It'll be fun I promise." Alice pleaded with the most convincing puppy dog face Dani had ever seen. It was almost as good as Jasper's.

Daniella felt a sudden sense of agreement and then sighed in defeat as she agreed to the party. This resulted is Alice happily dancing down the hallway after telling Dani she would see her later that night.

"You were no help. At all." Daniella huffed as she moved out of Jasper's hold, "Wait, did you just mood control me?" Dani crossed her arms and looked at Jasper expectedly.

Jasper realized he had been caught and started to explain, but then stopped realizing he didn't have anything. Dani huffed and then began walking to her next class.

"Vampires. You just can't trust them." Dani said as Jasper caught up to her and then realized that he was in trouble.


Dani and Jasper sat in their History class, they had it together again this year. Today they are going over the stuff they had learned the previous year to see how much they actually remembered. However, at the back of the dark class room Jasper and Dani sat with their desks closer together as they talked in a quiet whisper.

"I hate the idea of being celebrated." Daniella told him. She hated being the center of attention, but somehow she always seemed to find herself there.

"It'll be fun. The last real birthday we celebrated was Emmett's, and that was years ago." Jasper said, rubbing his thumb across Daniella's knuckles as he held her hand in his. "You'll be helping us feel normal for once." Dani sighed, knowing there was no way of getting out of the party, but then Jasper kissed her hand and she couldn't deny the butterflies she felt in her stomach or the smile that graced her face as he did it.

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