Chapter Eight: The Effects

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    When Jasper entered the Cullen home to see his family gathered around the sitting area waiting for his return, he nearly broke from the emotional turmoil he was feeling. Jasper walked over to an empty chair and collapsed onto it. He felt pain radiating through his body as he thought over everything that had happen in their conversation. Tears lingered in his eyes as he made up scenarios in his head that could be dangerous for Daniella to get herself into.

    Memories flashed through his head like a tidal wave of the past. Every moment they had met, all the times he had the privilege to get to know her, every death he had been around to see of her, every ceremony to celebrate the life she had lived; cut short by tragedy, and how long he struggled to get by until he would get to see her again.

"Jasper? What happened?" Alice asked stepping closer to the defeated figure of Jasper Whitlock Cullen. He looked up at his family, speaking with a trembling voice.

"That was the biggest mistake I have ever made." His words laced with emotion, knowing that they were completely his own was breaking him.

    Then one of the most surprising things happened. Jasper's tears fell, rolling down his cheeks in a stream of his emotion. It was known to be rare for Vampires to cry; that when it happened it was because of true and pure emotions.

    The Cullen's watched the most recent addition to their family, the one who used to be so emotionally closed off and distant, never wanting to get to close to them, just completely fall apart in front of them.

"She will never forgive me for what I've done..." Jasper's voice caught in his throat. The overwhelming amount of dispare he was feeling bagan to radiate off of him affecting the ones near him. Small gasps arose from those who could feel it. Alice being the closest, tears rising to her own eyes at the realization of just how bad this must have been.

"J-Jasper, I'm sure she will understand. She won't stay upset forever. It's-It's okay." Alice said, sitting next to him an arm wrapping around his shoulder's. Jasper; however, flinched away at the act, standing up to keep to himself.

"No! She will never understand. She will never be okay again. You weren't there. You couldn't feel what I felt coming from her!" Jasper's voice had rose in volume, suprising the family that surrounded him into silence because Jasper had alway been the quiet one, "You don't know what I said to her." His voice broke off as his tears still fell down his face; he took a shakey breath and continued.

"I told her I didn't want her. That I never did! That there was someone else! How could I say that to her?! How could I make her think that I could ever fall for another? As soon as I spoke those lies to her, her entire being changed. The walls in her head that she had broken down just for me, from trusting me, went back up. Blocking me from getting to close again. I could feel the anger growing within her. Then she spoke. Asking if anything was even real." His hands laces through his unruly blond hair as he spiraled, his emotions a whirlwind storm within him. Then he looked up to face Alice seeing the broken look on her face.

"No.." Alice spoke, knowing what Daniella must have suspected. Jasper wiped the tears from his face before looking away from his family in shame.

"She believes that I had never really loved her. She believes that every vision she's had of our past together had been lies." His eyebrows furrowed in his sadness, "She believes that I love Alice..."

    The Cullen's faces immediately fell. They each understood the effects that this would have on the blond hairded man. Alice sat on the couch, defeated.

"She...she was just starting to be comfortable with us, with me." Alice's voice was somber, soft with her emotional turmoil. "Why would you do that?" Alice asked, looking up at the broken man who was slowing become numb to everything. The question; however, sparked anger within him.

"Why would I do that?" His voice was cold, eyes losing their honey-brown color as he looked into the eyes of his best friend, "I didn't have a damn choice!" The curse fell from his lips in anger, surprising those around him as he hardly ever used them, "You, all of you know that for a fact. You know that I never would have done this. Especially to her."


    Daniella wandered aimlessly through the woods, lost from the moment she had walked away from Jasper. She had stopped crying after the first hour. By the second, her anger had returned with a vengeance. She had kept asking herself if she had done something to drive him away and into the arms of another, into the arms of Alice, but then she remembered his what he had said.

"I don't want you to come, Daniella! I-I lied. Don't you get that? I...I want someone else..."

    His voice echoed in her head like a scream into the Grand Canyon, bouncing off the walls of her skull like a painful reminder that she, once again, was unwanted.

    The anger within her began to flair up like the embers of a dying fire being reborn into the quick growing flames of a forest fire, buring up everything in its path. Dani couldn't believe she had let him get so close to her, allowed him to have the ability to manipulate her. She thought things would be better here. That she could finally be that person who didn't care about what others thought of her. That she could be the type of person to stand up for herself and guard herself from letting anyone get closer that they needed to be. She had been wrong.

    It was at that moment, finally breaking through the edge of the forest and stepping into the streets of the city that sits on the other side; seeing how happy and carefree the people were, that she made a decision of her own. The only way for her to feel better, to get even, was to defy him. To be a reckless teenager, have fun, and be stupid, do everything that would make him worry, hurt him like he had hurt her. Dani promised herself as she made her way into the city.

    She would never give another person the ability to control her or her feelings ever again.

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