Chapter Seven: The Decision

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A/N: Suprise!!.... I'm so sorry! I know it has been like five months since my last update, but college is so stressful and I am just about a month away from finishing my 1st year. However, I PROMISE that when summer comes I will absolutely start to update this more and possibly finish it :) Thank you all so much for sticking with me as well as this story! Let me know what you all think
                                              -xoxo Jaye<3

P.s: To those who have already read or are just skipping to this chapter- I had problems with the chapters being out of order, so I had to delete those chapters and repost everything for it to be correct. Please, If you can go back and re-read to get caught up with any changes I made, that would be greatly appreciate. I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you!<3


    The next morning, Daniella got up earlier than usual so she could go through the pictures taken at the party. She decided to spend some time pinning photos onto the wall her bed was against. As she pinned the last photo from the party onto her wall, a picture of her and Jasper laying on the couch, Dani figured that Alice had snuck in and taken it while they were to distracted to notice. Daniella sighed as she took one last glance at the picture before getting off of the bed and starting to get ready for school.


    In class, Dani sat watching the clock. Every class seemed to be going by slower than the last. Daniella's eyes shifted over to the desk beside her. Jasper's seat was empty. She couldn't help the flash of a memory flooding her mind from the night before. Hearing the tone of Jasper's voice and the way he wouldn't even look at her most of the time made it seem like she wasn't as special to him as she had once thought she was.


    By lunch, Daniella was growing impatient for the day to end. Her foot tapping against the floor from her feeling overwhelmingly anxious. She watched as Jessica, Angela, Mike, and Eric joked around with each other without a care in the world. Dani was envious. She noticed that Bella had been quiet through most of the lunch period and she looked almost as anxious as Daniella felt.

    The Cullen's hadn't shown up today. Except this time it wasn't because of a sunny day, seeing as the sky looked like a storm was brewing, waiting for the right moment to begin.

     Daniella knew something was wrong. She could feel it. She assumed that it was bigger then just them missing school for a day.


    Jasper stood in Daniella's bedroom, she had left the window open for him despite telling him she was going to lock it that night and him saying he wasn't going to be coming anyway. His eyes followed along the newly made wall of pictures pinned up near Dani's bed.

    Jasper let his fingertips run over the familiar, messy, unmade bed, knowing how much Daniella liked it that way. How it made the room feel home-y and lived in. His unbeating heart swelled with emotion as he caught sight of a picture within a frame sitting next to her bed on the side table. It was a picture she had taken of them while they were laying in her bed together. He was holding her close, nose pressed to the side of her head as he smiled softly and she was smiling at the camera. Her eyes scrunched up in the cute, loving face she always made when she was happy and content with him.

    Jasper sighed as he put the picture back and closed his eyes. Was he doing the right thing? Was this the best thing he could do for her? To keep her safe?

    Jasper had no time to answer the questions his brain was coming up with because he heard the familiar rumble of the rusty, old truck making it's way up the road.

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