41. Paying the Price

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"Nurse!?" Called out one of Ezekiel's lads. "Boss has woken up." The nurse rushed into the private hospital room, closely followed by a troupe of lads. "Is he alright?" They asked anxiously. Ezekiel was quiet as the nurse checked him over.

"Everything looks good." He reassured them.

"I'm fine." Ezekiel grunted in confirmation. His gaze flickered across to Sage. She was somehow fast asleep in an uncomfortable chair by the window.

"Do you know who tried to stick you, boss?"

But Ezekiel put his finger to his lips, gesturing for them to be quiet. He didn't want their rowdiness to wake up Sage. She looked exhausted. Dante, Ezekiel's second-in-command smiled ruefully.

"She's been here for days, waiting for you to wake up." He whispered.

A doctor came in to check on him and Ezekiel winced and grunted as he was prodded, but his gaze kept flickering back to Sage. He was struggling to take his eyes off her.

                 Ezekiel's condition was stable. Sage walked out of the hospital, her body stiff from sleeping in a chair.

"I'll be back." She'd promised Ezekiel. She just needed to shower and change her clothes. It was a relief to see him awake. To see him talking. He looked tired and weak. It was strange to see Ezekiel looking weak.

Sunshine hurt Sage's eyes and she grimaced, her eyes having to adjust to the harsh glare. Ezekiel was alive. The relief seemed hit her in waves, making her legs feel unsteady. It was close to giddiness, this feeling. Ezekiel was alive.

At a price.

She walked slowly down the road with heavy footsteps. They'd been no other way, she told herself. But now the price had to be paid. She sniffed, and only then realised that she was crying. Her feet didn't take her to the café. Just then, she wanted very much to be alone.

She found herself reaching the old dockyard. She sat down on a set of cold stone steps and hugged herself. The misery of what she had to do, felt like it was clawing away at her insides. She stared brokenly down at the algae sludge at her feet.

"Sage." A voice called her name. Sage stiffened. No, she internally pleaded. Not now, I'm not ready to do this now.

Ares had returned. 

He frowned, looking around the place in surprise. He'd used the bracelet to find her and didn't understand why Sage was alone in this damp and shady place. "Aren't you going to stand up?" He asked. Sage made no reply, she didn't even turn to look at him. His frown deepened. Resigned, he marched down the steps and sat down beside her.

"I don't want to know why you didn't show up that night." Ares began, his tone stiff. "Whatever happened, we don't need to talk about it."

"What do you think happened?"

Ares' jaw was clenched and he was staring rigidly ahead.

"I think you spent the night with... that dog." Ares couldn't help spitting the name. "But I'm suggesting that we start over. You and me. I'll take you away from here. We can live anywhere in the world that you want. I'll make any dream you have come true. Fame, beauty, fortune – just say it and it's yours. We'll find a reason for you to pick me." And not him.

Sage swallowed. There were a lot of things that she wanted to reply to this. Mostly, she wanted to scream at him for staying away when she'd needed him. She wanted to tell him what had really happened. She wanted to hit him for thinking that she'd betrayed him. She wanted to cry because of the deal she'd been forced to make.

Her gaze was hollow as she stared out at the broken remnants of the docks. She clenched her jaw, struggling to keep her composure.

"No." She breathed. Ares reached across and held her wrist.


Sage looked up and met his searching gaze. Ares' eyes looked more human than she'd ever seen them before. Sage gripped onto the cuff of her sleeve.

"I will never want to be with you. You're disgusting to me."

She watched the shock flicker across Ares' face. He let go of her wrist and she quickly rose to her feet. A lump had risen in her throat. This was unbearable. But this was the price. "Stay away from me, Ares." She pulled the bracelet that he'd given her from her wrist and threw it to the ground. The precious ornament clattered against the stone steps as it tumbled down them.

                 "Tell me. Tell me what you want me to do. And I'll do it. I swear."

                  The goddess of love had smiled as she'd replied.

                  "Make Ares believe that you don't love him."

That was the price. And, to keep Ezekiel alive, she needed to be strong and pay it.

"Sage, don't-"

But she stormed off, refusing to look back. Ares watched her leave, his hand over his chest. Tears slid down his handsome face. This was really the end.

Ares sagged against the steps with his head in his hands.

Sage marched blindly, going as fast as she could with no direction. Tears rolled down her face and dripped from her chin. How was she going to survive this pain?

Rain pattered down from the sky, the cold droplets crying on behalf of the ill-fated lovers. 

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