2. The Mad Dog

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Three months later...

Sage was wiping down the table tops in the small cake shop she worked at. She tucked her hair behind her ear, conscious that it kept falling out of its ponytail. The place was owned by her friend, Jaz – a larger than life character who loved all things romance. He'd named the place 'Eros and Psyche' and had painted the walls with their love story. Everything was love themed – as if cupid had thrown up over the place.

"Come again soon," Sage chimed as a customer left. They smiled and waved goodbye, Sage waved back – looking as sweet as honey.

"You're so small!" One of the barista's cooed at her when she approached with a tray, ready to take the drinks he'd made. "I could pick you up and put you on a shelf."

Sage laughed.

"Is that what you usually do to small people?"

She made to take the drinks to the couple who'd ordered them but Jaz intervened, putting a hand on Sage's arm to stop her.

"Don't interrupt them now – it's getting good." He muttered – his attention fixed on the couple. Sage joined in on listening in, trying to be subtle about it.

"Are you serious?" The girl exclaimed – looking appalled. Her blushing date rubbed the back of his neck.

"Yep. I didn't know how to tell you. She hits on me anytime you're not around. Last time she kept putting notes in my back pocket and winking." He shuddered.

"Seriously? My nan!?"

Sage had to cover her mouth to keep from making a sound. She couldn't look at Jaz – she knew she'd crack the moment she did. The poor boy nodded.

"I think she wants to rape me." He moaned, looking wretched. "She keeps making comments that I should have a nap in the spare room."

Jaz lost it completely and had to duck down behind the counter – shaking with laughter.

The bell tinkled above the door as a new customer stepped through. Sage had no idea what face she was pulling when she turned to greet them.

"Hello, good afternoon," she greeted. The guy in front of her blinked – momentarily stunned.

Ezekiel wasn't used to people smiling so sweetly at him. And Sage was a vision of loveliness. He stared at her and his usually cold heart, skipped a beat.

Markus, partially hidden by the cake display, was the first to recognise Ezekiel - and he paled at the realisation. Ezekiel, the Mad Dog, was notorious in their neighbourhood. He worked for Skelrun. If you owed Skelrun money then one day he'd send Ezekiel to make sure that you paid. And if Ezekiel asked you to be pay – you did it pronto if you wanted to keep your fingers. And kidneys. The gangster was the stuff of nightmares. Even the police were scared of him.


"Shoebill's waiting for you, again." Markus muttered to Sage when, for the fourth evening running, he saw Ezekiel loitering outside the cake shop – waiting for Sage to finish work. Jaz and Sage exchanged worried looks.

"I thought he'd lose interest by now," Jaz hissed unhappily. So had Sage.

"You need to be careful, Sage." Markus warned.

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