48. Protecting the Gang

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Zahira woke up with a pounding headache. She rolled over and abruptly fell off the sofa.

"Ow!" She croaked. This was a miserable start to the day. The events of last night, steadily returned to her. She groaned. 

Gingerly, Zahira stood up and scanned the apartment. She was most definitely alone. Orion had left. Zahira touched her lips. Had that really happened? Had they really kissed?

She looked down at herself. She was fully dressed with her shoes still on. It seemed that Orion had left her to it after she'd fallen asleep. She cringed with embarrassment. Only drunk-her would have been bold enough to make the first move. She'd basically thrown herself at him!

Zahra kicked off her shoes and padded barefoot around the apartment, exploring. Orion had been searching the place last night. She sighed. That was why he'd asked her on a 'date', he'd wanted to search for the Mad Dog's gear in her apartment. Fortunately, he wouldn't have found anything. She wasn't currently storing any of the gang's goods.

Zahira sat down on the loo with her head in her hands. She'd been used, and the worse thing was – she hadn't even had the chance to get angry about it. Because Orion was long gone now. Shame cut deep. She should never have called him. What was the worst that could have happened if she hadn't called? Nothing.

She'd been stupid to fall into his trap. She'd been stupid to kiss him.

Well, she never would again. If he came to the café, she'd ignore him - she resolutely decided. Orion had fooled her once. He wouldn't fool her again. She wanted to forget about last night, for the rest of her life.

So, of course, she thought about it all day...

                     With grudging slowness, a week went by.

A week since her 'date' and a week since Orion had come to the café. Zahira looked out for him every day, trying to prepare for how she'd act. But every day he failed to show. She told herself that this was a good thing. 

"Jaz has said we can take home some of the damaged cakes." Cesar told them cheerfully. "Markus, fancy sharing a cake with me?" He asked. Markus was undecided.

"Show me the options."

"We've got two chocolate slices that fell into the banoffee so are a bit banoffee-ish. There's a lemon slice that was cut too thin to sell. And a coffee slice that will go stale soon. Zahira, do you fancy the coffee slice?"

She shook her head.

"No, thank you." She replied automatically. She didn't want to take a slice away from anyone else.

"I thought coffee was your favourite?"

Zahira was touched that he'd remembered.

"I'll take the coffee slice." Ana chipped in and Zahira was instantly happy that she hadn't taken the slice. She'd have hated to take the piece that Ana wanted.

"Markus?" Cesar prodded.

"Let's share a slice off chocolate banoffee-ish." Markus decided. Cesar handed Markus the slice.

"Feed me."

"Feed yourself."

"No, I want you to feed me."

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