Chapter 5

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"I can feed Annie," Harry offered without really thinking. Louis looked so relieved, though, that he didn't think he could really take it back without feeling guilty.

"Thank you," Louis said, handing the screaming baby over to Harry and wincing at her cries. "She's just hungry, her breakfast is in the microwave. I've got to get Luke ready."

Annie was still crying but she'd calmed at least a little, pressed up against Harry's chest with her face resting against his neck. He could feel his skin wetting with her tears and it was somewhat of an uncomfortable experience, but he wasn't paying much attention because he was just staring incredulously as Louis picked up Luke and left the room, leaving Harry and Annie alone.

Harry breathed out slowly, bouncing Annie a little in his arms. There were practical jokes, and then there was leaving a baby alone with a boy she'd never met. Harry highly doubted Louis would just up and leave Annie with him on their own unless he seriously trusted Harry and… Fuck. It was too much for him to think about.

Annie wailed and slapped her little palm against Harry's chest and he decided to just focus on the here and now. "Okay, okay," he said hurriedly, walking to the microwave and opening it. "I'll get you something to eat, sweetheart, calm down."

The baby mash was cold so he heated it up for half a minute before getting Annie situated in her high chair. He'd had a little experience with kids from babysitting over the years, but he hadn't had much of a chance to feed a toddler and he soon found out it wasn't as easy as it sounded. Annie took ages to swallow just one spoonful of the stuff, and at some points it took serious convincing to get her to open her mouth for the spoon at all.

Louis came back after ten minutes, Luke trailing behind him properly dressed and holding a dinosaur toy. The brunet glanced at Annie and sighed, holding his hand out for a spoon. "She's always been fussy, I'll do it."

"Are you sure?" Harry said, but he was already handing the utensil over and standing back.

"Yeah, yeah, she knows you'd let her get away with it anyway so its just better if I do it," Louis answered, holding the spoon up to Annie's mouth. She opened straight away and Harry felt a twinge of annoyance that she'd done so when he'd been trying for a couple of minutes to get her to do just that.

"Papa, can I watch cartoons until Uncle Zayn gets here?" Luke asked, standing in the doorway with his toy.

"Alright," Louis answered, sparing Luke a glance. "But don't mess up the living room, your Daddy just cleaned it yesterday."

"Okay!" Luke answered, already turning and running into a different room.

Harry hovered awkwardly for a few moments before taking a chair at the table, nothing else to do but watch Louis feed Annie. He wondered whether his mother and sister were trying to find him, or if they knew what was happening and weren't worried.

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