Chapter 8

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"Good, okay," Anne said. "I know you feel like you don't know him, but listen to him, okay? Louis will take care of you, he has since you were sixteen."

"I am sixteen, Mum," Harry groaned, pulling at his hair.

Anne sighed through the phone. "Yes, well, you met him at your X-Factor auditions, so…" she paused. "Louis can explain everything, I'm not really the right person to do that. Stay safe, okay? I'll see you in a couple of hours."

Harry sighed and they hung up, and then he just stared down at the phone in his hands for a while. He guessed that if he was actually twenty six, then the model was probably one he'd never seen before because it was incredibly technologically advanced from the phones he was used to.

Reluctantly, Harry made his way back into the kitchen, but Louis and Annie weren't there. For a second he panicked, wondering if they'd left him on his own in an unfamiliar place, but when he went to the living room where he had last seen Luke he found them. Louis, who now had a shirt on, had Annie on his lap and he was buttoning up her baby blue coat that genuinely looked like it cost more than Harry's phone. And looking around the room, Harry was starting to realize that Louis was actually fucking rich. He wondered what the hell he did for a living.

"Hey, uhm," Harry said awkwardly, approaching them and holding out Louis' phone. "Thanks for letting me use this. Mum is gonna drive down to see me."

Louis took the phone with a weary smile, slipping it into his pocket and then patting Luke's leg, who was sitting beside him and staring at the television. "Hear that, Luke? Grandma's gonna be here when you get home."

Luke tore his eyes away from the screen and looked up at him. "Which one?"

"Daddy's mum," Louis said with a fond eye roll, ruffling Luke's hair and then standing, Annie in his arms. "Zayn and Perrie should be here soon, Zee just texted."

"Right," Harry said, nodding and stepping a little closer to Louis so he could lower his voice, even though Luke had gone back to the television and wasn't paying any them attention anymore. "And, uhm, who are they again?"

Louis blinked at him, looking thrown for a moment before he sighed and ran a hand through his hair. "Zayn is one of our best friends," he answered after a short pause. "Perrie is his wife."

"Oh," Harry said quietly. He hadn't been expecting that. "S'just. You said 'Uncle' Zayn, so I assumed he'd be your brother, or something."

Louis chuckled a little but he still looked worn out, looking at Harry like he was upset and. Okay, yeah, having a husband that wakes up one day not knowing who you are would probably be a bit upsetting. Harry understood a little.

"Nah," Louis said, shaking his head. "I've only got one brother and he's only little. The rest are sisters, mate. But he's like a brother. All the boys are."

"All the boys?" Harry asked, thinking back to the picture he'd seen of himself, Louis and three other men, but before Louis could answer him the doorbell rang, shrill and loud throughout the house.

"Bloody hell," Louis grumbled, heading out of the living room and towards the door. "I've been meaning to get someone to make that quieter. Luke, come on, Zayn and Pez are here."

Luke reluctantly jumped up and, with one last glance towards the television, he hurried after Louis. Harry shifted, not really knowing what to do. In the end he walked over to the television and switched it off before following them.

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