Chapter 19

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Louis told him that Harry had confessed previously that he'd started crushing on Louis about a week after they met. It took Harry about four days.

It wasn't like he could really help it. Louis was sweet to him, with a good sense of humour and an amazing body. He knew he shouldn't be feeling like this because he isn't the Harry that Louis wanted, he's some kind of intruder and it isn't fair on the older boy. He can't stop himself when he feels the crush start to creep up on him, though.

He knows he's hopeless at hiding it, can tell by the small smiles Louis gave him whenever Harry tripped over himself to go do something for him or whenever he blushed at the slightest compliment. Louis probably knew full well that Harry was into him and it was embarrassing, but there was nothing he could do about it.

It had taken a while for Harry to get used to his role in the house. As tempting as it was to just follow Louis around all day, eventually the older boy had to go do his own things and Harry would be left on his own. It was strange to be in the huge house with only Luke for company (as Anne had left two days ago and Louis had taken Annie with him) but eventually he got used to it and took out the laptop Louis had told him was his own.

He hesitated for a moment once he got to google, unsure if he really wanted to look up his story from an outsiders point of view. Louis had explained things to him but Louis was his husband and had probably left things out. Eventually Harry sighed and typed 'Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson' into the search bar.

He gulped at the multitudes of results that popped up and he clicked on the first one, the one that proclaimed 'ONE DIRECTION BOYBANDERS GET MARRIED IN PRIVATE CEREMONY'. The article most talked about how Louis and Harry had gotten married privately and included a few grainy shots someone had taken of Louis dressed in a suit hurrying from a car into a hotel. There were also pictures of the days afterwards of both boys' rings and the sentimentality of the 'OOPS' and 'HI' engraved into the metal.

Harry clicked out of the article and glanced over the other search results. There was a link to an interview that was called 'HARRY TOMLINSON TALKS MARRIAGE, TAKING HIS PARTNER'S NAME AND CHILDREN' so he went into that and patiently waited for the video to load.

He looked happy in the video, he could admit that. Relaxed and cheerful, he told the interviewer all about how happy he was to finally marry Louis and how they'd always just figured Harry would take the name Tomlinson instead of the other way around or even hyphenating their names. He talked about how they were discussing either getting a surrogate or just adopting, because both of them definitely wanted children. At least three, he had said. Harry couldn't help but feel sad at that, because Louis only had two children and unless Harry miraculously remembered his past, he probably wouldn't get any more.

Harry eventually switched to google images and just scrolled through all of the pictures. In nearly every single one, he and Louis looked happy together and very much in love. There were a few shots of them kissing and it made Harry shift uncomfortably because of the weird feeling in his gut. He had to admit that he'd thought about what it was like to kiss Louis, especially after the time Harry had wandered down on the fifth morning since losing his memory and Louis had turned to him with an upraised face as if he was expecting a kiss. He'd realized after a few seconds that this Harry wasn't his Harry and he'd quickly apologized ("Old habits die hard, sorry Haz.") and continued with breakfast, but Harry hadn't been able to forget it since.

Harry went back to google and changed his search to 'Harry and Louis Tomlinson'. The first article that popped up was from a couple of days ago and the title caught his eye. 'TOMLINSONS SPOTTED AT PRIVATE DOCTOR, POSSIBLE ILLNESS?'

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