Ch 29: Leap of faith

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Authors Note :
I'm so sorry to keep you waiting, as I have said before my lap top broke so now I'm using my boyfriends iPod. I'll try to update sooner & sorry again. I hope you understand. This chapter isn't that good seeing a I was trying to piece together a chapter quickly. But I hope you enjoy it!

P.s Picture of Lindsey on top ⬆️
(Lauren Conrad, she is so beautiful ❤️!!!!)

& p.p.s thank you to Shelby-Xoxo for the amzing cover!


As I held my best friend in my arms, her tears soaking through my shirt , all I could think about was the methods I would use to knock some sense into Lance.
I could always kick his ass in front of the whole pack, I thought with some amusement that quickly disappeared.
        Lindsey deserved some happiness after everything she had been through, and I wouldn't allow her to be rejected once more.
She deserved nothing less than the best, and I had to admit Lance wasn't that bad of a guy .
   Although I also had to admit the only reason I loathed him so much was because he had slept with Ashley.

I cursed as Lindsey's head clipped my chin with her head as she pulled away. Before I had a chance to react she was out  the door with a murderous  look on her face that spelled someone was in deep shit.
      I didn't have wonder long just where she was going as I smelled Lance inside my mates room. Before I could interfere, what was sure to become a big scene, she slammed the door open.
I knew how Lindsey felt at that moment, seeing Lances arms around my mate. All I could see was red as he pulled away as if she were a burning coal, when in reality he was probably feeling guilty as hell at that moment.
     "You son of a bitch!" I winced as Lindsey screeched so near my ear that I seriously feared for the well being of my ear drums. "You said you needed time to think, this doesn't look anything remotely to that!"
"Lance was just..."

"You shut up!" Lindsey snapped before Ashley had a chance to explain.
My eyes narrowed as I noticed Lances brown eyes widen as he side stepped in front of Ashley, blocking her from view which annoyed me and my wolf.
      Then it hit me as Ashley pushed past Lance her face clouded in anger, her once apprehensive look long gone.
Then I understood completely what was going on, the alpha blood coursing through her veins wouldn't allow her to sit back and watch as someone disrespected her. She had most likely never been disrespected in her pampered life.
     Lance put a restraining hand on my mates trembling arm, and I almost groaned at his mistake.
"I should have known finding your mate wouldn't stop your love for her!" You could practically hear the spite in her voice as she spat the words out "look at you , you can't keep your hands off that bitch !"

"Now wait just..." My wolf and I rose to protect our mate but once again Lindsey cut in.
     "Stay out of this, Damian!" She snapped at me and I bristled at her tone of voice.
I wasn't used to anyone disrespecting me, least of all Lindsey, but I definitely had to work to control my anger.
My wolf had a big ego and craved the power, the respect.
"Baby please..."
     Before anyone had a chance to say anything else the door once more slammed open to reveal an exhausted Ash and irritated Bailey.
I almost felt bad for the guy, he looked as if he had been up all night arguing with Bailey.
    "You know although these walls are sound proof, every one can hear this damn door slamming." Ash growled dragging a hand down his face "Now by the looks of it it seems that this is revolving around Lance and his mate. So can you take your business out of this room, I have stuff to discuss with my sister."

"I don't take orders from you!" Lindsey spat, her anger clearly clouding he mind "You're not my alpha !"
I winced as Lindsey made a fatal mistake. It was one thing to snap at me, her long time friend, and another thing to snap at an Alpha she had absolutely no connection to.
Bailey surprised us all by speaking up.
      "This isn't Blackwood's Territory but know damn well that I can have you kicked off this land so fucking fast you wouldn't have the chance to say goodbye to Lance." Every word spewed from Bailey's mouth was laced with venom.
The room was so quiet you could hear a pin drop, everyone in shock from Baileys explosion.
I almost muffled her mouth with my hand, as Lindsey opened her mouth to come up with some snide remark I'm sure.
Sh never was one to keep her mouth shut.

His Cursed Mate ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt