Ch 44: This is war

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Damian :

All I could see was red, the anger inside me burning like a wild fire. In the next moment I had my fingers wrapped around her petite neck. The fear in her widened blue eyes sent a shiver of pleasure through me.
   I could hear the erratic thumping of her heart against her ribcage . My hold tightened ever so slightly and her nails clawed at my hands, trying desperately to release my hold.

  I hardly felt the sting of her nails clawing into my skin, when all I could think of doing was ripping her throat from her neck. Her face had turned a splotchy red making her look like an over ripe tomato. I craved the sight of her blood pouring from her body and watching as her eyes stared lifelessly up at me. But before I could extract my revenge, a pair of arms pulled me away from her.
  A string of curses spat out of my mouth as I realized what I had almost done. Killed the only person who knew where Ashley was.

  "Dammit stop, Damian !" I turned to see Ash holding me back. His eyes pleading with me silently.
  With a deep breath in and out I grudgingly nodded my head, but my eyes immediately strayed to Peyton.
  She was bent over coughing trying to desperately catch her breath.
Footsteps were heard thundering down the hall until three guards came barging into the office . One roughly grabbed Peyton's arm and the other followed suit.
  "I'm sorry Alpha, I don't know how she entered the territory." He sent a look of contempt at a still red faced Peyton.
"It's fine Brody. I'd like to have a talk with her, you can get back to your stations." Alpha Chris said.
   "Yes Alpha." Brody nodded his head before motioning for the two other guys to follow suit.

  The room went eerily quiet as the door closed with a loud click.
   All eyes were glued onto Peyton who looked like she'd been running for hours, her hair knotted with only a few dirt smudges here and there.
   She stared back blankly her blue eyes giving nothing away.
   "Peyton..." Dante stood up grimacing slightly. I could see the worry on her face but I knew how deceptive she could be now. "Where have you been ?"
   A look of guilt momentarily flashed through her eyes but in the next second it was gone.
"I did what I had to do." She replied curtly.

    "What did you do to my sister?" Ash growled lowly, beside me.
My fists clenched involuntarily at my side to restrain myself from going for her throat again.
    "This would have never happened if it weren't for..." Her lip pulled back in disgust as here pale eyes zeroed in one someone behind me. I turned slightly to see it was Samantha .
   "What did you do to my daughter you bitch !" Samantha made to lunge at her but Chris easily intercepted that from occurring.
His amber eyes burned with fury as he restrained a hysterical Sam.

   "I suggest you show some respect towards my mate and I , you have no idea what I can do to you." Alpha Chris growled, his threat clear as day.
   "So you're going to torture the information out of me ?" Peyton spat through her teeth.
"No" Dante said firmly glaring at everyone, his expression making it clear that he would interfere if necessary.
   Every muscle in my body was coiled with tension, ready to rip her to shreds. Everyone was on high alert, watching for any indication she would attack.
Dante grimaced slightly as he walked forward, his hand clutching onto his side.

     "Bab- " he clenched his jaw before continuing  " Peyton, do you know where Ashley is ?"
  Pain flashed through her blue eyes before they anger replaced it.
"Ashley, Ashley,Ashley " she spat "it's always about Ashley !"
   "What's that supposed to mean ?" I couldn't help the low snarl from escaping.
"Ashley this , Ashley that." She sneered "My childhood was hell because of her, my mother was obsessed with getting back at Sam."
"Peyton what did you do ?" Dante said more forcefully, alarm in his voice.

  Her eyes filled with tears as they landed on him.
"I didn't do anything, she did." She jabbed her finger Sam's way. Her blue eyes returned to Sam "Because of you, you're daughter is in danger."
  "I never wanted this to happen.." Sam mumbled, her voice hoarse.
"And you think I did ?" Peyton ran a hand through her knotted hair "I had to do what I had to do."
   "What lying ? Making that story up that I tried to seduce you?" I took an involuntary step forward and Ash was quick to grab my shoulder. "Drugging me so I wouldn't remember anything ?"

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