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Epilogue :

Three years later ...

"And so the prince kissed the princess as they rode out into the sunset."
  "Did they live happily ever after daddy ?"
My lips turned up into a smile as my gaze took in the scene before me, my heart swelling with the love I felt. My eyes raked over this gorgeous man that was my husband and mate. It had been 3 years since we had left Texas to begin our lives in California. Oh how I had missed my family terribly but being with Damian, at his rightful place as Luna had been my destiny.
"Of course they did, dummy." Micah rolled his eyes.
"That's no way to speak to your sister, mister." I pushed the door open fully, watching three pairs of lips turn up into smiles.
  "Momma you're home!" Two pairs of tiny arms curled around my legs, as I bent down and knelt before them.
At four years old the twins stood almost to my belly button, Madison with long black hair down to her waist and dimpled cheeks. Micah had a recently comb over haircut like his father, a big toothy smile on his face.
I leaned forward and gave them kisses on there cheeks.
"I'm sorry, Momma." Micah's lower lip pouted as he gave me puppy eyes.
Madison giggled at seeing her twin reprimanded as she took my hand and led me to her bed.
She eagerly climbed in, and settled against her pillows.
"Momma did the prince and princess live happily ever after ?" She asked.
"Of course they did sweetheart." I reassured her as her face lit up.
"Told you." Micah stuck his tongue out at his sister which only managed to make her stick hers out as well.
"Alright alright, that's enough. Time to sleep, you know we're going to go visit grandma and grandpa tomorrow." I reminded.
"Yay!" They said in unison, there faces lighting up to know tomorrow morning we would board a plane to go to Texas.  They always found time to visit California and vise versa
"Goodnight sweethearts."
"Goodnight momma, goodnight poppa." They said in unison as Damian and I leaned down and gave them kisses. We turned off the lights and quietly closed the door.
I gasped as strong arms immediately wrapped around me pushing me against a firm chest, sending chills up and down my body.
"I missed you." The huskiness in his voice sending a chill down my back. Blue eyes pierced into mine before lips crushed into mine.
I moaned, bringing my hands up to clutch onto silky hair.
I could hear the erratic beating of my heart beating against my ribs, Damian's hands as they clutched onto me.
"What a way to welcome me home." I gasped as we finally pulled apart.
Sensual lips pulled up into a smirk that always managed to make my heart skip a beat.
Linking our fingers together he led me down the hall into our room.
He pushed me down onto our plush king sized bed and I sank in happily, I was exhausted.
"How was work ?" Damian asked as he knelt down and began to take off my shoes.
"It was tiring . Who knew so many kids would decide to be born today of all days." I groaned in appreciation when Damian began to Massage my aching feet. "How was work for you ?"
"Well let's see, I believe I got propositioned by a very thankful woman . ."
I raised an eyebrow.
"Propositioned you say ?"
Damian chuckled as he stood up and laid down on the bed, bringing me down with him so we laid on our sides gazing at each other .
"Well what can I say babe, I'm hot even at 23."
"And you will be even at 50." I said as I let my fingers lightly trace over the fullness of Damian's lower lip. "Anything else happen ?"
"Babe, it's better not to ask. I don't want you to worry."
I sent him a glare a sigh leaving his lips.
"I may have run into a burning apartment building."
I swallowed as I buried my face in his neck, clutching into his tightly.
Damian's decision to become a fire fighter had always worried me. Although we healed quickly, the suit could only protect you so much. And being hurt in the job, too many questions would be asked if Damian's injuries were to magically heal quickly.
A burning building falling upon you would kill you.
But Damian assured me that this is what he really wanted to do with his life and so I supported him, but worried at the same time. And Damian supported me when I decided to become a maternity nurse. To help the doctors deliver the babies. It really was such a amazing moment to hear a child take there first breath into this world.
"Hey." Damian cupped my cheeks, his eyes searching mine " I'm okay baby. I love you."
"I love you too." I whispered, trying to push my worries away.
Damian's lips quirked up into a smile as he leaned in closer. My breath hitched as I saw the heat in his eyes.

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