Chapter 5!

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I screamed as I fell through the air going 60 miles per hour before crashing face first into the ground with a loud thud. I picked myself up at dusted dirt from my pants. I took a look around my surroundings and saw multiple silver tents with many girls around 12 year old each carrying a silver bow.
"Wait, silver bows?," I thought.
"Crap!!! Of all the places I could have ended up in, it had to be the Lady Artemis Hunt," I screamed.
Suddenly an arrow whizzed through the air and grazed my arm.
"Boy! You dare enter the campsite of the Hunters of Artemis. For your crimes, the punishment will be death," A voice shouted.
This was still a bit awkward for me as you see after the 2nd giant war, I decided to go a round the world saving kids from abusive households and if the kid was a demigod I would send him or her to Camp Half blood but sometimes if it was a girl I would bring the to Hunters of Artemis. Over the years, the hunters warmed up to me even the infamous hunter Phoebe known for her hatred towards males. I would spend half my time in Camp half blood and the Hunters of Artemis.
I turned around and so the face of Zoe Nightshade sneering maliciously at me. A tear welled up in my eyes and rolled of my cheek.
"Hahaha! You're crying. Scared what we are going to do to you!," Zoe cackled with hatred towards me.
I lunged at Zoe and quickly slipped a circular piece of candy out of my pocket and into Zoe's mouth. She was about to spit it out when I uncapped riptide. Showing her the familiar bronze leaf-shaped sword. Zoe's eyes widened in shock and in that moment of distraction I tilted her head causing her to swallow the candy.
Zoe looked at me for a few seconds before hugging me.
"Thank you Perseus for giving thee another chances in life but unfortunately thous shall still die by the hands of thee's father," Zoe said.
"You won't, I swear on the river Styx you won't die by the hands of your father or by anyone. Also, by the way it's percy," I smiled at her.
"Hey get your hands off our lieutenant!!!" A voice shouted.
"Attack hunters!"

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