Chapter 10

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Annabeth burst though the door and started screeching and shouting, " Get out of here! I want this hotel room! Get out!" Annabeth continued screaming and throwing stuff in a hissy fit before whipping her head round and glaring at us, " Get out! I want to speak to your manager! I want this hotel room!" I growled in annoyance as Bianca gave Annabeth a glare while Nico was shaking so hard with rage at her that the shadows grew darker and bigger and seem to be ready to lash out and kill Annabeth! She continued screeching until she took notice of the black hood in my hand, " You! You were the one on the bus that tried to kill me!" Her hand went to her dagger and unsheathed it. "I want this place!" Annabeth whined. I growled at her, "I am not going to ask again leave before I hurt you!" I wanted to hurt her but that would have to wait. She screamed and in a moment of rage lunged towards me, i pivoted my left foot and swung my left hand down before lashing my right foot out at her hand. My foot made its mark as the dagger soared thought the air with a whistling sound before clattering on the floor with a Clank!
Annabeth snarled at me before attempting to strike me solar plexus. Key word 'attempting' before her fist made contact with my chest. A hand grabbed her hand, I turned my head curios to see who it was only to be stumped when the figure infront of me was Athena goddess of wisdom.

Explanation: Thalia, Annabeth, Grover, and Luke lived. Instead a random satyr died and when a satyr dies they will be reincarnated.
Sorry for short chapter but I was planning to make a chapter on Saturday but decided to add just a tiny bit more. Anyways, Annabeth is a Karen , sorry if that's your name. Hint: Athena remembers the previous timeline. Also a reason why I added the hood was because I wanted to show reactions from characters who ate the candy but did not know that was Percy.

Poll: I also have not chosen the ship so, time to vote by commenting
Percy x no one
Percy x Nico
Percy x Thalia
Percy x Jason
Percy x brick
Percy x piper
Percy x Zoe
Percy x Luke
Percy x stapler
Percy x door
Percy x comment it

anyone you don't choose will be a brotp

Small spoiler:  notice how in the explanation I highlight satyr because it is a faun!!! Also Luke will still be the traitor he doesn't have his memories back and is angry how a satyr died because the gods were selfish. But Luke will be a fake traitor.

Events that I planned
1. Kidnapping of the 7 demigods
2. Talk with primordial
3.CC island Reyna hylla
4. Amazon's

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