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it was a couple days later, ava still wasn't doing great but she wasn't spending her entire day in bed. which was an improvement. clay was still staying with her and george and nick called her everyday to check in on her, except last night as she fell asleep super early.


gogy 🥽

hey, we never called
last night, you free
just now? :)

yeah ofc


she smiled at george's message. he was a great friend and had been doing his best to make sure she was okay. she appreciated it more than she could express.

she stumbled out of bed and went to the kitchen to get leftovers from the night before. clay wasn't in the living room like usual, strange.
she picked up the facetime call from george and placed him on the counter while she rummaged through the fridge,

"morning." george beamed.
"good afternoon." ava smiled.
"when she knows your time zone." he teased, pretending to blush.
"shut up." she giggled, taking the leftovers from the fridge.
"you could just make something new, you know." george joked.
"nah, it's clays pasta. i'd rather have this over anything."
"his pasta is good." he agreed.

she sat down opposite her phone and talked to george for a little, he told her in great detail about his last 2 days while she listened intently.

"and then yeah, here we are." he trailed off.
"awesome, all i've done is eat some cereal and annoy clay." she joked.
"speaking of clay, where is he?" george said, with a weird grin which ava decided not to mention.
"i don't know. usually he's on the couch watching tv but he's not here." she shrugged.

they sat for a while longer before george had to go and stream, ava decided to go in the shower.
blasting kill the director by the wombats she washed her hair and body, this time it didn't take as much energy as it had previously.
she smiled at herself, proud of being able to make herself feel a little better, much of it due to her amazing friends.

"i've met someone that makes me feel seasick, oh what a skill to have, oh what a skill to have so many skills that make her distinctive!" ava sang softly rinsing her hair. this song always made her happy, it reminded her of the time clay and her went to a park at 4am and blasted music, watching the stars.

the got out the shower and dried her hair, putting it into a messy bun. she chucked on a pair of leggings and sapnaps hoodie, probably her most worn outfit.

she was sitting on her bed scrolling through twitter,
she could tell her fans missed her and were visibly confused with why she'd gone for 2 weeks with virtually no explanation.


ava | @avaiscrying • 10m ago
what if i said i felt like streaming tommorow?
george | @georgenotfound • 9m ago
can i be apart of said stream?
ava | @avaiscrying • 8m ago
will consider it buddy 🙏
wilbur | @wilbursoot • 9m ago
does this mean you're feeling better? :)
ava | @avaiscrying • 9m ago
it does indeed wilby scoot :D
karl | @karljacobs • 7m ago
then i'd tell you i'd be watching :)
ava | @avaiscrying • 6m ago
ur a real one karl 🔥😈💯🙏
karl | @karljacobs • 5m ago
i try :D

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