Hot Water

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A/N: Hey everyone! If you're enjoying this story, please consider voting. It gives me encouragement to write more and it means a lot. Thank you all for reading, I really appreciate you! -T


We go to the Cullen's house for Kara's late birthday presents. And yes, I almost have to drag her there and yes it was just as embarrassing as she thought it would be.

"I can't believe you." she hisses at Emmett. She won't open the box, and Edward shakes his head at Renesmee before she can ask. I don't either, although she throws the box at Emmett's head so I make a note to ask her later.

"Mine next." Rosalie says, tossing her a small box. She opens it to find a digital camera and grins. I have to admit, this is the least expensive and best present. As much as I hate to admit it.

"I want one with everyone. If you'll all show up." she says wryly.

"I'll take it." I offer. They all get in the picture and Renesmee sits on her lap. It's eerie for a moment, like maybe this is where she's going to belong soon. Dr. Cullen and I are going to talk to her today, but it won't change anything. If she's one of them...then she's one of them.

"Take the picture." Rosalie says between her smile even though I've only been holding the camera for two seconds.

"Say cheese." I drone. I take two so Kara can give them one, ignoring Emmett's heckling as I crank the wheel. This whole time I've been planning around whether Kara will be ready to have this next talk and I haven't stopped to consider...what if I'm not ready? Things are good right now. We're happy. And I know that things are different now, she's different now, Dr. Cullen telling her everything is going to open a door I can't close. What if she doesn't want anything to do with us again? Or if she doesn't want to live?

"Everything okay?" she asks, coming back to me. I hand her the camera.

"Yeah. Just recovering from the intense pressures of being today's world class photographer."

"Hold on and I'll show you how it's done." she says, taking the camera back from me. She paces away and holds it up to her eye.

"Just me?" I laugh.

"Just you. Looking quite modelesque if I do say so myself."

The camera flashes and she waves it triumphantly. I'm sure I blinked or something like that, but she just says,

"That will be a good one. I can feel it."

With a dramatic flourish of her hand. I scoff. She hasn't had a premonition since Xavier bit her two years ago, but it doesn't stop her from making fortune teller jokes all the time. Dr. Cullen steps forward, but I meet his gaze. Shake my head slightly. He furrows his eyebrows, but excuses himself very politely to the study.

"I need to talk to Dr. Cullen real fast. I'll be right back."

"Want me to come with you?" she asks. It catches me off guard, and I turn back to her. What all does she know? But she's completely unreadable.

"Nah. It's nothing important. I just told him I'd find him in his office. Sit tight for a minute and I'll be back."

She nods and I kiss her cheek before going to the study. I'm halfway panicking, and I don't know why. I don't want to have this talk with her today, and I don't want to lie to her. Okay so maybe I do know why.

"Jacob. Is everything okay? I assumed we would approach Kara today about my findings in her case." Carlisle says as soon as I'm inside. I close the door behind me.

"I know. And we will. But I can't tell her today. I was so ready but now...I just cant." I say.

"Jacob," he sighs sympathetically. I press on.

"I know. I just need a bit more time to prepare myself. I didn't think I needed it but I do. I need time to come around to the fact that she's..."

"Like us?" he asks gently.

"No. There's nothing wrong with that." I say quickly. Years ago, maybe that would have been it. But not anymore. "But that she's more like you than me now. And I don't know what's going to happen."

"It would be unethical to keep her own medical information from her, but I understand this is an unusual situation. What if you came back tomorrow?"

"Okay." I agree immediately. Tomorrow. He gives me some encouragement and I head back to find Kara playing chess with Renesmee. "Ready to go?"

"That's okay, I'll finish up and meet you at the house." she muses. It's her turn, and she doesn't even look up.

"I can wait. Cheer Nessie on from the sidelines." I laugh, but then she does plant her rook and look up.

"It's okay. Go on. I'll meet you at the house." she repeats. I falter. I don't know whether the coldness is in my imagination or not but by the way Jasper glances over, I don't think it is.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. Take the keys." she replies. She tosses them at me and I catch them easily. "See you at home?"


I take my chances and go to kiss her goodbye. To my relief, she turns her face to mine and lets me, even offering a smile as I go. It's enough to fool anyone else, but I'm not convinced. Something is wrong, but I leave her there resigned to have it out later.

But if one thing is for sure, driving home that night I had no idea what I was really in for.

Jacob's Better End Book 2जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें