Living Alone

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It takes me three days to get enough of a grip to confront the pack. And when I do, Jasper has to come with me because I'm at the very edges of my abilities. I'm so angry and sad that it's very likely I might hurt someone otherwise. I didn't even want to see them but I came to give the ring back to Billy and they're here. Hanging on the porch.

I know Jacob isn't but I look for him anyway.

"Hey." Embry says when I come up to the door. I stare at him, gauging what he knows. Jasper waits in the car, but they eye him suspiciously.

"I came to check on Billy." I say.

"He'll appreciate that." Sam says formally. It's very quiet for a long moment, and I hate myself for stopping low enough to ask.

"Is Jacob here?"

"No." Quil says. "Jacob is...he's gone."

"What does that mean?" I ask, hating myself for the worry too.

"He ran off and we don't know where he's made camp. Probably Canada at this point."

I can't help but laugh. Hard. And I know Jasper is doing his absolute best to keep me from seeming like a psycho path (or being one for that matter) but that's just too good.

"He ran all the way to Canada? He literally fled the country?" I'm breathless. They don't laugh. Paul almost does but they slap him on the back of the head. "Well. Thanks for that, it makes my day. Really does. But I'm here to see Billy so if you'll just let me through..."


"I don't want to hear it. Unless you're going to tell me the truth." I cross my arms. Seth goes inside. He wouldn't look at me the whole time and now he just leaves.

"He told you the truth." Quil says so quietly it's almost a whisper. It's like he struck me.

"That he doesn't love me anymore? It's all just too much?" I ask. I reach into my pocket and take out an envelope I've addressed to him. "Deliver this to him if you will. It's just a letter so we can both...move on."

"Sure." Sam says. Billy comes onto the porch and waves me inside. I follow him without another look at the boys. It's so clear they know what's happened here. They're in on it. And if that's the case I want nothing to do with them.

"Kara. I'm so sorry about everything. Jacob is a good son. A good man. But this," he shakes his head. "I'm so sorry."

I nod, feeling my resolve wavering. I'll need to get out of here quick before Jasper's hold wears off.

"I just came by to give you this back." I slide the ring off my finger. He puts up a hand and shakes his head.

"Keep it. I know the traditions well enough that it should be yours." he says.

"Really, Billy. I want to give it back to you so Rachel or Rebecca can use it if they want. Or if..." I can't say the words. If Jacob comes back and finds someone else.

"Hold onto it for me. Just for a little while longer, okay?" he says. I sigh, but nod anyway. Put it back on my finger. I'll cry if I do anything else.

"I should go."

"Don't be a stranger around here." he says. I nod and thank him as I go. Tell him he can call me if he ever needs anything. I know I won't come back after this because he won't.

The boys are outside, waiting for me and it's like they know it too. Everything has just fallen away in the span of a couple bad hours. Like somehow they've all broken up with me.

"I should get back." I say, not even looking at them. I feel the tears coming on.

"Kara, wait. This doesn't have to break everyone up. We're still your family." Quil says. I don't look at him.

"More than they are." Embry adds, nodding to where Jasper is sitting in the car. I whirl back around, furious. I can feel the tether in my emotions snap even before Jasper rolls down the window.

"The Cullens are good people who have taken me in after you all conspired to humiliate me and lied about it."

"That's not what happened." Sam says calmly.

"Kara, come on back! We should go to the house!" Jasper calls. I'm hardly listening.

"No. It is exactly what happened. And now you're gaslighting me to make me feel crazy to believe that Jacob wouldn't just leave like he did. Like I'm a bitch who can't take the fact she got dumped." I snap. Paul tries to speak but I'm not finished. "And I can take that. I can. But I won't hear anymore about the Cullens."

"So you're claiming them now?"

"Don't treat me like I'm some villain for it."

Paul steps forward and I hold my ground. I know he isn't going to hit me, but he doesn't scare me either way.

"Kara!" Jasper calls again.

"After everything, you're just turning your back on us? Going with them?" he nods to the car.

"Paul, I never thought you were slow but this is outstanding."

Now I wonder if he's going to hit me. The boys pull him back but I almost want the permission to hit him back. I want him to fight because I know I'm strong enough to take it and punch hard. This is probably how he feels all the time when he seeks out trouble.

"Deliver the letter."

"Fuck you. You don't understand anything." he says. I skip off the porch and when I open my car door, I slam it shut so hard the whole thing shakes.

"You alright?" Jasper asks.

"Thank you for coming with me." I say from behind my teeth. We leave, and I wonder how long it will be before I see any of them again.

Really, I wonder if I ever even will.

Jacob's Better End Book 2Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon