Change of Plans

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The days go by quicker than I thought they would, and soon enough, it's the day before our wedding. I am getting married tomorrow.

"We only got one stripper." Paul promises as they drag Jacob out of the house.


"We'll try to get him back in one piece. Teach Colin and Brady some things while we're out. Maybe Seth too." Quil says.

"Make sure to tip the stripper." I say. They jeer and then in a wild burst of chaos, they're gone. Kim, Leah and Emily come over soon after for wine and whatever else they have planned. Rosalie decided she was happy with being maid of honor and would settle for having the rights of helping me get ready tomorrow.

"We're not actually staying in for a quiet night, I hope you know that." Leah says.

"What do you all have in mind?" I ask hesitantly. The casino. The answer is the casino. They take me there, and get me drunk and I end up winning a thousand dollars in a lucky roll after losing two hundred and Emily, who is the only sober one makes us cash out even though I beg her in a drunken rambling not to.

"Beginner's luck doesn't go all night." she says pointedly and we go back. Jacob isn't home, so we drink the bottle of wine we meant to and wait. And wait. And wait.

"They didn't actually get a stripper right?" I slur, almost in tears.

"No. They'll be back soon."

It feels like hours before they are. The boys come in, shoving each other and jumping all over more aggressively than I think they usually would. Or maybe I'm just too drunk. Probably both.

"Hey stop, you're going to ruin the painting. It''s expensive!" I shout even though our portrait is safe beside the fireplace. Jacob looks at me in shock, but then a massive grin breaks onto his face.

"You're going to be my wife and I've never seen you drunk." he muses.

"Don't change your mind." I plead, covering my face. He doesn't respond for a long moment. I peek at him before going back to crying full on with no tears.

"Alright. I think I can take it from here." He chuckles, helping Leah and Kim to their feet. Jared and Seth come to drive them home. When the house is empty, I look at him.

"I want you so bad tonight." I say.

"You need to get some sleep." he chuckles. I don't stand up when he comes over, and flop down on the floor when he tries to pick me up. I don't remember the rest, but I do know Jacob doesn't go to sleep when I do. He stays up, staring at the ceiling before wrapping an arm around me and pulling me close.

"I love you. You know that right?"

"Yeah." I whisper.

"No matter what, you know that?"


And I go to sleep again, not thinking much of it. That morning, I'm a mess and we're separated quickly as the Cullens come to get us ready. Rosalie insists I ride with her and Alice comes to pick up Jacob to ensure he "doesn't do anything stupid."

"I'll see you soon." I grin. He presses his lips into a small smile. "And then we'll be married."


This is the worst day of my entire life. Last night, the pack kidnapped me for what I thought was going to be a bachelor's party or whatever but instead of stupid games and booze, they hit me with something terrible.

"The Volturi are going to kill one of you tomorrow."

It's Sam that breaks the news. He's stoic and calm, but I can see the heartbreak in his eyes.

"What are you talking about?"

"Either you or Kara we don't know. But they flew in today and we've had eyes on them ever since. We didn't want to alarm you, but we had to tell you as soon as we knew." he continues. "They're worried that together, you're too big of a threat. So they're going to kill one of you, likely Kara under the pretense of being an unknown supernatural threat, and then wipe us out when we retaliate."

"So...what? Did you just overhear all this?"

"No. I took my suspicions to Edward and he overheard it." Seth says. I run my face. It's a lot to take in. I've only been here for five minutes and it's all crashing down. What a surprise.

"So what do we do? How do we stop them?" I ask. It's all coming so fast that I cant piece it together even when they exchange nervous looks. Even when Paul himself clasps a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"You can't marry her. You have to run away. Publicly." Sam says softly.


That's not an option. Kara and I are in this together, we're a team and we made this plan to keep everyone safe. To avoid this. I can't go back on her...but if I don't then she's going to die. We're going to fail.

"So you're telling me that I have to leave her at the altar?" I demand. "Not going to happen. I have to tell her."

"You could. But if Aro touches her hand then it's for nothing." Paul says. I curse. This can't be happening. I have to leave her and humiliate her and break her heart to what? Protect her?

"Bella can shield her mind."

"And Aro can claim she's hiding something. She does anyway."

I curse again. So what? I go home and sleep next to her like everything is okay? Like I'm not going to break her heart?

"And then what? I leave her at the altar in front of everyone and then what?" I demand.

"We don't know. We'll figure it out from there. But we have to make a plan."

And just like that, I'm on a new team. Kara doesn't even realize I'm betraying ours as she celebrates her last night alone. And yet it's not going to be her last. Not even close.

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