Ch.10: Until

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The last chapter was long, wasn't it? That means that this recap will be long as well... I hope you enjoy it!

YouTube videos are really difficult to link especially when people keep deleting them 😔 -10/1/23

Recap: Shuichi woke up in a state of complete boredom. It continued until he saw kokichi. Kokichi was messing around and stuff. Shuichi found it very cute and amusing. He waited for the time limit announcement but it took longer than he wanted so to pass the time he made himself pass out. When he wakes up again only kokichi is there. One thing leads to another and he kidnaps kokichi. He tells kokichi he's the mastermind but kokichi calls him out on his lie. He then leaves to gather evidence for tsumugi being the mastermind. After he finishes he goes back to his room and allows kokichi to escape. Saying that he had only kidnapped him for fun. The next day shuichi distracts tsumugi by asking her to make him capes for his outfit. She agrees. He then gets the rest of the students to meet up in the gym. When they arrive the doors lock and shuichi sets off an electrobomb. He then gave them evidence to find out who the mastermind is. But, said he wouldn't tell them directly and they had to find out on their own. After he went to sleep. Kokichi took charge, putting his talent to good use. Using the evidence shuichi left them, they discovered the mastermind was no other than Tsumugi. After they figure it out, the electrobomb deactivates and monokuma appears. They tell him to hold a trial. After it is announced tsumugi runs into the gym. Shuichi wakes up. Tsumugi gets very agitated and starts acting insane. She admits to being the mastermind. Then something strange happens, She splits into three of herself(?). They start arguing. They say a lot of things that don't make sense to shuichi. Like why the number changed from 3 to 2. Saimatsu? Shipper? It doesn't make any sense to shuichi. Then suddenly without warning they kill everyone except for 3 people. then they each kill one of them. Those three are revealed to be shuichi, kokichi and kaede. At the end of the chapter we get an unknown pov. Someone else regains their memories of the loop. But then.... their memories get erased again. I wonder who that was?


-Shuichi Saihara POV-

This stupid locker!!!

I give up! again-

What's the point of trying to leave when all I ever do is end up back in this stupid locker!

I am going to get Gonta to crush it again...

Ugh. I am stopped out of my thoughts by KayaYAYayade

Y'know what I give up. I know I already did but I am just solidifying my statement.

If this isn't good for me, well I don't wanna know.

I push past Kaede completely ignoring whatever she was saying.

I don't even give it a second thought.

This world sucks. Living sucks. But dying is worse...

Damn it! Damn it all!

I can't even kill myself because it does nothing! Absolutely nothing happens. It's almost as if no one cares about the deaths that occur here.

Which they probably don't as they can just reset it however they like.


I am soooooo angry at everything! I just want to punch something.

Wait a second....

A big smile went across my face.

I know exactly what to punch.





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