Chapter 12

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The Image above is Isabelle Azuree. But more wild and carefree, if you can image that.

I own nothing except for the story itself and the characters. The images belong to their rightful owners as well as any videos or songs.


Isabelle Azuree's POV

Lady Azuree is currently working on some paperwork at her office. However, she struggles in concentrating on said work as she can't help but think of her dear son. The news that her dear son does not like girls, but rather boys.... It was shocking news to her, she had not expected it nor had she even considered such a thing a possibility.

Nonetheless... she accepted it. It took her a few days to wrap her head around it, to come to terms with this fact, and although she held fear for what was to come, she never once thought of James in any negative way, for she loves her son dearly and nothing would ever change that. And No One WoUlD EvEr ChAnGe ThAt. She would do anything for him, to ensure his safety and happiness.

But the problem does not lie there. The problem is she does not know how to approach her son. She has already spoken with him, told him through his closed bedroom door that she loves him no matter what and will always be by her side, but she does not know how much her support will help him. Regardless, she would gladly silence any who would dare harm her precious child.


["*Knock* *knock* .... James..." Says Isabelle uneasily as she stands infront of her son's closed bedroom door. "I know you must feel alone and scared in there... but you are not... I am here. I will always be here for you. I will always protect you. I understand that you might need some time alone, but if you ever need me, I just want you to know... Nothing can ever harm you, because I am here." She says gently and kindly. To Isabelle's surprise however, the door creaks open ever so slowly.

Isabelle opens the door a bit more and steps in the room. Her eyes begin to adjust to the darkness as she takes note of the closed curtains covering the windows and the small figure of who she assumes is James hidden under layers of blankets on a messy bed.

She walks closer to him and hears quiet sniffles as she hugs him close comforting him as best she can. Said boy stays still for a second and then slowly peaks out of the blankets with teary and puffy red eyes and messy white locks of hair sticking up in every direction, he then reaches towards his mother with his small hands and hugs her tight, feeling her warmth and motherly love as he continues to cry. His mother holds him close and comforts him as he basks in her safe and gentle hold.]

But he is only a child.

Barely turning 9 years of age this year.

He has not even debuted as member of nobility yet.

And if he does.

His problems will multiply tenfold.

3rd Person POV

Lady Azuree is interrupted from her thoughts, by some noise coming from outside. She looks outside her window and sees a carriage arriving to her manor.

A carriage from the Puissante household.

~A Few Hours Ago~

3rd Person POV

The Duke Frederick Puissante was in his study doing some paperwork. That is until, a soft knock was heard at the door. "Enter." He said in a soft voice. The door opened to reveal his precious daughter, Viola. She walks in with a straight posture and small smile and curtsies as she stands infront of her father's work desk. "Hm? Why are you standing there? Sit, sit." Urges the duke to his daughter kindly, with a fond smile on his face. "Ah, yes thank you father." Says Viola in slight surprise as she takes a seat on the couch infront of her father's desk.

"Now, what bring you here flower?" Says the duke gently as he gives her his full attention setting his work to the side. "Well, I apologize for disturbing you while you work father. But, I mu- I am here to... request, something from you, if I may?" Says Viola slightly hesitantly, looking up at her father with a nervous demeanor.

"It is no problem at all. What is it that you need flower?" Says the duke in a gentle voice as he is only happy to see his daughter after a long week of hard work. "W-well... I-I would like to go to the Azuree manor... to visit James... He has not appeared in any social gatherings for a while now... a-and... I am really, really worried." Says Viola in a nervous and shy voice, a face painted with worry and anxiousness.

The duke frowns as he sees his daughter so upset. "Of course you can go. I'll get a carriage ready for you immediately." Says the duke as he gets up and begins to head towards the door. "A-ah! B-but father! I-I... there is... something else..." Says Viola as she shyly approaches her father who is already near the door of the study. "What is it dear?" Asks the duke as he kneels down to Viola's height. "W-well... I asked mother before... B-but... she forbade me to even speak to James... I-I... I don't want to upset her... but... James is my friend... And..." Says Viola sadly and conflicted as she tears up at the end.

Her father seeing the tears welling in her eyes grows sad as well. And angry. "... Now, now. Don't cry little flower." He says as he lifts up Viola's chin and wipes away her welling tears with gentle care. "I'll talk to your mother. But do not worry, you will still remain friends with James. Everything will work out. I promise you." Says the duke in a caring tone as he gives his daughter a hug. Viola nods softly as she returns the hug. "Now, go get ready to leave while I get your coach." Says the duke as he stands up and opens the door for Viola. Viola in return gives a small smile and walks out of the room. Her father smiling afterwards.

Viola's POV

'My father is far too kind.' Thinks Viola as her neutral poker face returns and her figure turns back to her original transparent yet cold presence. 'But also far too naive.' She thinks as she wipes away the remaining tears as if they were nothing.

Her eyes are half lidded, her smile is replaced with a serious expression while her Violet eyes shine eerily and her posture goes from prideful and elegant to cautious and uncaring. 'I really do hate to manipulate him like that... but drastic measures exist for a reason.' Thinks Viola as she now concentrates on what she will do about James.

'When I return to this manor, all hell will break loose. This "garden paradise" will destroy itself thanks to the poisonous weed who has turned a happy couple against each other. So much for a happy family... But I doubt we were happy to begin with...' Thinks Viola as she sighs at what is to befall on her thanks to her recent actions. She leaves her room now having already prepared to leave for the Azuree manor.

'Although, I do wonder... Will father finally stand up for himself? Or will mother get her way once again? Either way. My father's downfall shall now also be my own. So, I mustn't just watch from the sidelines this time around.' Thinks Viola as she walks out into the entrance of the Puissante manor, already seeing her carriage, the driver waves at her with a kind and cheerful smile. Viola nods at him, her posture having changed to her usual elegant and prideful self, her friendly smile already on display and her eyes energetic and happy. Her mask already having been placed the second she walked out the door.




Weeds can only breed more weeds. Flowers can only breed more flowers... What would a weed and a flower breed?
The Violet flower is not a weed. But, humans are not flowers.




Be careful when creating a monster...
It will not know, how to differentiate friend from foe.

[DISCONTINUED] Reincarnated: Turning an Otome Game Into a BL! Heck Yeah!Where stories live. Discover now