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News of the event was well-controlled within the palace. No one knew of the event that recently occurred except for their trusted people. Even the King and the Crown prince didn’t know until the day came when both of them planned on going home after Redmond was able to take the throne thus ending the brief war. Their excitement vanished as soon as they were greeted with such devastating news.

“It is all my fault, Your Highness. I wasn’t able to protect the princess even after I promised to ~~~”, Nero was abruptly stopped by the King. He remained silent awaiting for further orders.

“Where is Nera?”, Callahan asked.

“Mother is currently resting, father. She haven’t rested one bit after the incident”, Ailana replied..

“Nero, you said that it was your brother’s doing?”, Callahan inquired.

“Yes, he was doing a job assigned by an employer. More likely, they intend to make the princess a hostage and demand you to step down from your throne”, Nero replied.

“I really don’t get why they want me to step down. If I do, who will replace me? There will be another war within the kingdom with all the nobles vying for the empty throne. Someone is trying to cause an internal rift within the kingdom”, the King sighed.

“I will not let them”, Nera appeared at the doorway.

“Dear, let me handle the situation, please”, the Queen pleaded. Callahan paused for a moment before nodding. He knew that he cannot stop his wife. Stopping her will be a futile effort.

Furthermore, he agreed to his wife not because he wants her to be at ease but because Nera was his former General who was by his side for a long time. She was more capable enough to mobilize the military to finish the task.

The nobles of Caris was opposed of their King marrying a military officer. What’s more, Nera’s household was only a noble of the past. A noble’s name buried alongside history. Their status today was akin to that of a commoner. But she strived to be well-known. Nera was an unbeatable sword master. People often call her the ---

‘Empire’s Blade’

“Just please don’t force yourself too much, love”, Callahan approached Nera and hugged her.

“Don’t worry. I won’t”, Nera assured her husband. Callahan just sighed.

“Now, I’ll leave everything to you. It seems that I need to think of assigning someone to manage those empty fiefs soon”, Callahan left them afterwards.

“Nero, can you search your brother and notify us as soon as possible. You know him more than we do”, Nera ordered him and he immediately left as soon as he received such request.

“Lucian, I want you to gather more solid evidences against those nobles who opposes us”, Nera asked her oldest son. Lucian nodded and left as soon as possible.

“What about us, mother?”, Ailana wanted to help them.

“I know you’re feeling a little restless after what happened but I want both of you to protect the castle. Your father will be busy from now on. Will you do that for me?”, Ailana and Fynn was a bit down of such request from Nera but they cannot do anything right now.

“I know both of you were guilty but it was never your fault. We were caught off-guard even me. So what happened doesn’t define your strength. You know you are strong. That is why I trust you on this duty”, Nera caressed both their cheeks. They looked at each other and agreed to her before they returned to their rooms.

Nero has been moving from one place to another where his brother usually hide. Everything would have been easy if that artifact that repels magic was destroyed but it didn’t stop him from searching the whole kingdom just to save the princess.

Lucian have been gathering evidences against the crimes of those corrupt nobles. It was about time to remove those insignificant beings that make the empire’s people suffer.

After Lucian finished his task, the soldiers began knocking on the nobles’ every door and presented a warrant of arrest. They seized every family member and placed them in a plaza with their foreheads adhered to the ground. A death penalty was about to ensue and people began to gather around.

“I hereby sentence these corrupt nobles to death. If anyone wishes to oppose the death of a certain noble, do step forward and give us a reason why we should not pursue it. I would gladly listen to the people’s plea”, Nera declared in a loud voice.

OFF. WITH. THEIR. HEADS”, Nera signaled the executioner to proceed.

Heads were rolling one by one and the plaza was filled with pools of blood. The silent people watching the event unfold began to chant their griefs. Not one of them were changing their minds. The resentment that they hid within their hearts came out like an adrenaline rush. The sky was filled with the sound of anger and the clamor of joy.

“Do we really need to include the children?”, Lucian asked his mother.

“Let me ask you this, my dear. When you were a child, did you already know what’s right or wrong?”, Nera asked him instead.

“Yes, somehow”, Lucian answered hesitantly.

“How did you know?”, Nera asked again.

“Because you both taught us about it”, Lucian replied.

“EXACTLY! Because we taught you. Although you also have your own perspective, the people around you also helped in shaping what you are now”, Nera gazed at Lucian.

“Those children, if we let them live, are they going to realize the sin that their parents committed? NO. That is because they’re their parents. They were molded to see their own world and not the exact reality”, Nera went back staring at the plaza.

“If we want to vanquish the root of all evil, we need to burn the whole tree down including the fruits. If we spare the fruits, even letting them rot on the ground, their seed will be planted and the cycle will repeat again. Do you understand, child?”, Nera ordered the servants to burn the bodies after the execution was done. She stood up and went back to the castle while Lucian followed her. She stopped midway and faced her son.

“Lucian, you are the crown prince and soon you will replace your father. As a King, you have to make decisions with conviction.

Do not waver!

Do not falter!

Do not let anyone poison your mind. Because the moment when your judgement is clouded, the one who will suffer is not you nor the royal family. It is the people who will bear the consequences of your actions. Always remember that!”, Nera reminded her child.

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