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Time flew by and the sky was beginning to be painted with nautical twilight. The King was still busy finishing his work while his wife was sitting idly reading a book.

"What is it, Nero?", Callahan sensed Nero nearby.

"You have a guest, Your Highness", Nero bowed to him.

"Seeing you here and not my aide, I would assume that he is an unexpected guest", Callahan stopped stamping his paperworks.

"Yes, he is currently underground", Nero nodded. The King stood up and walked towards his wife.

"I'll be back, love. I will see you in the bedroom", Callahan whispered to his wife.

"Alright, don't take long or I might get impatient and gobble you up for good", Nera whispered near Callahan's ear that her lips almost touched it.

"Feisty! I like it", the King's grin reached ear to ear as shivers ran down through his spine.

"Let's go, Nero. I need to get this over with pronto", both of them went underground where only royals knew the access.

Callahan walked in and saw a man covered in robe with only his lower face was seen. The young man removed his hood revealing a familiar face.

"Like father, like son, I see. So, what brought you here?", the King sat down across the young man.

"Greetings! Your Royal Highness. I came here to bring an unexpected news about something that might be of use to you", Edric revealed his intention.

"My brother is planning to overthrow my father. He wants to take the throne for himself", the crown prince reported.

"Huh! Déjà vu", the King smirked.

"What's up with your family lineage? Is overthrowing part of your heritage maybe?", Callahan uttered a joke.

"So, what will you get for revealing such information? How is that useful to us? Do you want me to help you with the throne? Is that it?", the King suggested.

"I know you can fend off enemies, uncle, but I only came here to deliver the news. I just want you and your family to be careful. I know how powerful you all are, but sometimes being careful is necessary. That is all. Regarding the throne, what you offered is enticing but I will guard it myself", Edric declared.

"Huh! That's different to what I expected you to say", Callahan rubbed his chin.

"I heard you were on vacation and here you are, coming here unnoticed", the King remarked.

"Yes, uncle. I'm looking for someone", Edric replied.

"Would you like me to help you search for that person? To thank you for the information you delivered", Callahan offered.

"Thank you, but I would like to look for her myself", Edric declined again.

"Ohoo! So that person's a she. Is she going to be your future queen?", Callahan was excited.

"I was hoping she will accept me", the crown prince weekly smiled.

"I think she will. You're a great guy", Callahan reassured the young man.

"I still need to say sorry to her above all else", Edric looked sullen.

"That would be good, boy. No matter what, say sorry to her eventhough there are times that you do not know what you did wrong. Heed my words", Callahan laughed while tapping the crown prince's shoulder.

"I'll make sure to remember your advice. I must leave now, uncle. Thank you for your time", Edric bowed to the King.

"Wow. You're so eager to look for her. Well, if an event arises that you need my help, I'll be happy to aid you as a payment of your kindness", Callahan patted the young man's head.

"Nero, accompany him outside", Nero nodded and went with the crown prince. As they were about halfway throught the tunnel, Edric stopped abruptly.

"Do you have something to say to me?", Edric confronted Nero.

"I do not know what you mean, Sir", Nero replied.

"You're not even trying to hide your bloodlust. So, I was assuming you have something to say", Edric squinted his eyes.

"THEN, you assumed wrong", Nero's eyes darkened.

"Did I offend you perhaps?", Edric guessed.

"No", Nero was forthright.

"What did I ever do to you? If you're not going to tell me what I did, then we can't solve this issue. It is wise to direct your anger towards the problem and not the person", the crown prince pried.

"Your existence itself is the problem", Nero finally answered.

"Then tell me why my existence is troublesome for you?", Edric was getting impatient but Nero kept silent.

"I don't know why you hate me that much but if you're not going to elaborate why you loathe my presence, then, I can't help you with that", Edric turned his back on Nero and exited the castle.

As he was about to leave the castle ground, Edric saw a black haired woman in his peripheral vision. He approached silently to catch a glimpse of the woman laughing together with the Royalties.

'She looked like Elin! But she has a cyan eyes just like uncle', the crown prince thought to himself.

"I never saw her before. Did uncle have another daughter? I usually see those three but not her", Edric approached them carefully while hiding his presence. He was trying to verify if the voice of that woman is the same as the woman he had been searching for. The crown prince was getting closer but was grabbed by his shoulder.

"You have to LEAVE, YOUR. HIGHNESS", Nero appeared out of nowhere.

"If words get out that you visited this place, your so-called vacation might end sooner than expected", he continued to give the crown prince a warning. Edric stared at him for awhile and left without uttering even a single word.

"Who was that, Nero?", Elin surprised him. Nero was unaware of her presence. She was getting good on sneaking up that it scared the hell out of him.

'Did she saw him? But if she did, she won't ask such question', Nero was getting anxious.

"No one", he replied her with an expressionless face to hide his anxiety.

"Huh. His presence seemed familiar but if Nero says it's not important, then I guess it isn't", Elin went back to her siblings after waving him goodbye.

"I'll make sure that no one disrupts your happiness, Princess", Nero muttered.

"If possible, I would like to lock her up in the tower", Nero gasped in realization of what he said just now

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"If possible, I would like to lock her up in the tower", Nero gasped in realization of what he said just now.

"This is getting out of hand. Sooner or later, I won't be able to stop my ugly obsession of wanting her entire being", Nero sighed.

"I should remind myself that I need to kill all the men around her. Well, of course, except for her family, that is", Nero left while talking to himself.

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