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y/n l/n. the "bad child" of the l/n family. she always wanted to live a normal life without her mom and dad judging her in everything she does. yet,thanks to all of that,she got abandoned,forgotten by her family.

she knew her family had no problem in adopting another kid or just making another to replace her. she knew they didn't care about looks,only if the child they got is always obedient like a dog,they would keep it and cherish it until the end of their lives.

and there she was.

sitting in a wood bench,with a white cat and another black cat by her side. and her panda plush who sat in her lap;it was one of the only things she had left of her mom and dad.

y/n is a 12 year old kid who three weeks ago,had just escaped from the orphanage her mom and dad left her in.

oh,how she still hates that place. that disgusting place,where they used to not give attention to her,and to only still judge her in everything she does. like her family.

but all that was in the past. this is her new herself now. she had to forget all of that in order to keep going.

and so,she did.

she started getting comfy in the streets,she didn't care whoever judged her anymore.

it felt like a home for her.

where nobody would mind whatever you do,where nobody would tell you what to do,where nobody put rules in what u have to do.

you felt better at the streets. it was mostly like freedom.

"y/n are you okay?" Marosuka,your friend that works in the sweets shop in front of you asked.

"yeah,don't worry" you said,looking at her.

Marosuka is a 32 year old sweet woman that works in that one sweets shop,she knows of your situation and helps you with everything she can,gives you food,sometimes even lets you take a shower at her place,and gives you old clothes she used.

"if you say so," she sat in a side of you,you watched her movements "everything is in the past,i already told you."

"yes Maro-chan. i know." you said,looking at the cold floor. "you don't need to tell me again and again."

"i just feel you still suffer of what happened in your-" she couldn't finish,because the owner of the sweets shop called her back. "i-i gotta go,sorry y/n."

you muttered a small "it's fine." then,she went running back into the sweets shop she works in.

you find Marosuka as a motherly or sister figure. she is sweet,nice and cares for you,even though you met her a week ago.

she sometimes lets you stay at her place,or cooks food for you. she,most of the time can't,because shes poor and has a super tight schedule. she has around 4 different jobs. and you admire her for that.

your white cat;yang nuzzled into your arm. while your black cat;yin is already sleep in one of your sides.

you grabbed your panda plush;which name's pinda,as a pillow and put it behind your head to sleep in a sited-like position. very uncomfortable,but it's for your cats,right?

its pretty late,around 12pm,and the streets where you live are almost always deserted at night.

so,without problems,you closed your eyes and fell asleep.

hi yea just letting you know its going to get more interesting in the next chapters. lov u thanks for reading xoxo

also had a hard time in deciding to upload this or not bruhv

kiddo  | gojo satoru x child!readerWhere stories live. Discover now