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y/n's pov.

i woke up on my bed.

'another day closer to my inevitable death' was the first thought i had.

"oh kid,ya awake" gojo,who was sitting aside from my bed,said. i just looked at him and muttered a 'yeah'.

"heard ya passed out yesterday" he said. "and well you see,something happened-" he couldn't continue the sentence,because we heard a scream and various bad words coming from the kitchen.

gojo got up and waited for me outside the room. i got up too and changed my clothes to some more comforting ones instead of the ones from yesterday. i wore a long oversized shirt and shorts and got out of the room.

gojo and i went to the kitchen together to check on what was happening.

a black-ish purple dragon with white shining eyes was trying to cook something with his mouth,while nobara and itadori told them to don't and megumi just watched.

gojo clapped to get the students and dragon's attention,they all looked at him. "alright,chill everyone!" he pointed at the dragon "you stop doing that." the dragon dropped the pan in the floor,then gojo pointed to itadori and nobara "you guys stop screaming" and he pointed to megumi "you stop looking at me like that" megumi just ignored that and looked somewhere else.

"so,what are we going to do about him?" gojo asked after walking near the dragon and looking at me.

"they're no-binary,call the dragon by they or them." itadori commented to his sensei,the sensei nodded,taking in note his comment.

"so uh,are you going to return them or what?" gojo asked to me,referring to the dragon. the dragon got near me and jumped in the air around me.

i scratched my head "i.. i don't know how.." i mumbled and looked at the floor,my sensei and his students deadpanned

"kid," gojo started,i looked at him "listen,we don't have much time left for this fanfiction," the students behind him nodded. "so megumi will teach you how to return your shikigami as fast as he can,right megumi?" gojo looked at the mentioned student.

megumi looked hesitant and looked to the wall to think about it with a stoic face. seconds later he nodded.

after that,the sensei guided nobara and itadori outside,leaving me,megumi and my dragon alone in the kitchen.

"so you just,like,just do this" megumi then started doing some signs with his hands and i copied him,the dragon dissappearing.

"fucking finally" i mumbled.



3rd pov.

a while passed after the dragon,who appeared out of nowhere and took everyone by surprise,had dissappeared.

as for now,the tall albino,his students and the kid,were talking about random stuff.

"and yeah y/n! megumi broke the door from your little car toy" yuuji said to the kid,the kid mumbling lots of insults directed towards the sasuke wannabe.

you were mad.

like,really mad.

so,you went up to megumi,who was calmly walking beside gojo,lost in his thoughts.

"you! you son of a emo bitch!" you angrily shouted,pointing to the emo boy. "why did you do that huh?! fucking sasuke wannabe!"

megumi was nervous,he had never seen you that angry,so he raised his hands in defense "it wasn't me,it was my shikigamis." he said,trying to keep calm "forgive me,i'll try to fix it sometime"

"you better do,son of a bitch!"

the interaction between you two was marvelous to the white-haired nicely built sensei,he found it funny. though,he was a little bit worried from where you got to know and learn these.. insults.

kiddo  | gojo satoru x child!readerUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum