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Ebek came back inside the room late at night

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Ebek came back inside the room late at night. He didn't had the courage to face her again.
His bloodshot eyes were fixed on the curled up figure on his bed.
This was reminiscent of the many dreams he had.
He had dreamt of this moment, her in his bed but not like this...
Ebek rubbed his hurting eyes and walked towards the bed, where the embodiment of his love was asleep.

"Gul. I'm sorry. I'm sorry for ruining everything but that's what I am...a cause of destruction. My mother used to tell me that I destroyed her relationship with my dad. She didn't wanted me in her life. I-I..."
Ebek bit back a sob and traced her closed eyes with his finger lightly.
His stark black eyes caressed her luminous features with eagerness.
He wanted to lay down beside her and pour his heart out, he was hurting...

Gulaab's heart dropped at the hint of sadness in his words but she laid passively, pretending to sleep and she wished, she wished that she was asleep. She didn't wanted to mellow her heart for him. Not yet.

"You know I used to compare your beauty to the moon because staring at you was like staring at the moon, I was dazed...but I never thought you will be this far away just like the moon, a man can only warm his eyes by staring at the moon, he can't touch the moon, he can't make it his own"
Gulaab held her breath when he bent down and laid his head on her heaving chest, his burning hands took hold of her shoulders, Ebek closed his eyes for a moment, listening to her heartbeats that calmed his own.

"I want to die here like this, in the warmth of your chest amidst the musical strings of your heart beat"
Gulaab's eyes watered at his cruel words. He was selfish as ever. How could he spout such baleful words with no care? She didn't want him to die...
Gulaab cupped his face and pushed him away with her shaky hands.

"Then die Ebek"
Her voice was a mere whisper but the harshness of her words had pierced his heart like blunt knives. The agonizing pain he felt in his chest was unbearable.
Gulaab pushed his hands away from her shoulders when his grip loosened.
Ebek rubbed his stinging eyes and stared at her; for many moments...
Everything halted for a while. Black against blue; their eyes connected, sharing things that were unsaid.

"Then be the thing that buries me Jan"
Ebek gave her a pained smile and got up from the bed to leave.
Gulaab stilled in her place, there was something in his voice, something so painful...
Gulaab felt her eyes stinging with tears, sobs broke out of her lips as she stared at the now empty space where he was sitting moments ago.


A floral scent wafted in the air because of the colorful array of wildflowers that adorned the quiescent pathways of the valley. The sky was a canvas filled with hues of orange and pink, the sun was waiting for it's lover, the moon.
Tonight he will get everything he craved for, everything he yearned for.
There was no one who could stop him.
Shadman let out an evil chuckle when he saw his little lamb rushing towards the safety of her house, unaware that a predator was already on his toes, lurking...waiting to pounce.
Shadman couldn't help but marvel at the way she fitted so well with the natural setting. She was whimsical.
She looked like she belonged in this scenery but the scenery didn't enhanced her beauty, it was her beauty that enhanced the scenery.
It seemed like she had spotted him because she paused but then started taking speedy steps, almost running away from him.
As if she would be able to get away.
Shadman butted the cigarette with his leather boots and followed her.

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