02- Levi and Y/N

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It had been nearly 6 months since Y/N moved in with the survey corps. She lived with Levi's squad (it was a secret request made by Levi, Hange told Y/N). At first it was pretty rough, but as time went on they all learned to live with each other.

6 months ago

"But I already cleaned this room TWICE!" Y/N whined. "And you'll clean it again until it's actually clean." Levi said. "Actually clean? What the hell does that even mean? This room is spotless!" Y/N snapped. Levi walked around the room checking for any dust before running his finger over the back of a chair, "Then what's this?" Levi said holding out is finger to show        Y/N the dust. The (h/c)ette let out a growl. "Fine. Then you can clean the room yourself." She said before throwing a plate at Levi and walking out.

"Hey Y/N how's everything going?" Hange said as they walked into the cabin Levi's squad was staying in. "I don't wanna talk about." Y/N said walking out the door Hange had walked through, her voice full of anger.

Hange let out a sigh, "Were those two fighting again?" "Third time this week. If they don't work out their issues soon, we're gonna run out of plates." Petra said. "I'll see what I can do." Hange said, placing a hand on Petra's shoulder."

Hange made her way over to the kitchen where she saw Levi sweeping up the broken pieces of plate. "So what was it this time? Did you try to make her wear that dumb eyepatch again? You know she hates it." Levi glared at them. "No, I told her the kitchen wasn't clean enough and that she had to clean it again." Hange laughed at his response. "Yeah I don't blame her. I would probably throw a plate too if you asked me to clean again."

To this Levi rolled his eyes. "Look in all seriousness you gotta give her some time. The kid lost her eye and a group of strangers took her in of the street within the span of 24 hours. She isn't exactly gonna listen to you like the rest of the squad does just yet, plus it's only been a week you guys still need to get used to living with each other." Hange said. "I'll go talk to her, but you need to put more effort in as well. Try to actually form a bond with her instead of just bossing her around like she's someone on your team."

Hange went outside to look for Y/N. After about 5 minutes she found her sitting on the roof of the stables.

"Mind if I join you?" They said looking up at the girl. Y/N nodded her head as a yes and Hange climbed up to sit beside her. "Wow it really is pretty up here I can see why you chose to sit up here." The girl stayed quiet, looking out towards the forest. "So are you gonna tell me what happened or am I just gonna have to assume Levi told me the whole truth?"

"He's being a bitch." Y/N said. "I spend all day cleaning that stupid kitchen not once but twice, and then he has the audacity to say it's still dirty." Hange looked at her with a kind expression, "Yeah, I get it. He's certainly a neat freak." "And that's not all. He constantly nags on me about everything. If he tells me to stand up straight or to wear that stupid eyepatch one more time, I'm gonna scream." Y/N said.

Hange let out a small chuckle. "You know he nags you cuz he cares right?" Y/n scoffed at this response. "Yeah right, he must really care then." She responded sarcastically. "He does! Don't tell him I told you but he personally requested that you live with him and his squad." Hange said. "I was more than willing to take responsibility of you but I could tell that Levi wasn't gonna stop until you were living with his squad."

Y/N looked at them with shock, "Why would Levi have willingly taken responsibility of me?" Hange simply smiled. "I think Levi views you like you're his own kid. He's just got a funny way of showing he cares. But you gotta ease up on him, you're both getting used to living together. I already told him to ease up on you, but you need to put some effort as well." They said patting Y/N's head. "I'll see you at dinner." They said before climbing down the roofs.

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