breakfast (17)

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- (After the photoshoot)

Anna Pov:

After my photoshoot, it was about 8:45 am, and I drove to y/n's house in Beverley Hills. I pulled up to her front gate, and there were security guards outside, filling 4 cars in total. I couldn't see over the gate. I guess it makes sense though. She probably has a lot of fans come to her house. A security guard walked up to my window, and I rolled it down. "What can I help you with?" He asked in a deep, intimidating tone. "I'm here to hang out with y/n," I said, sounding frightened. "Is she expecting you? Or better question, does she know you?" He asked in the same tone. "Yeah, we're..." I paused for a second. "I'm one of her friends," I finished. We never really talked about what we are. "Ok, one moment, please." He said, walking back to his car and picking up his phone. After a couple of minutes, he walked back over to my car. "Thank you for waiting. Sorry for the confusion." He said. "Oh, it's ok. Thank you." I said nervously. The gate began to open, and he waved his hand, signaling for me to drive in the driveway. I pulled forward. There was a somewhat long driveway leading up to a huge house. Woah. She lives here? She said she lives alone too. All alone in this huge house. No wonder she seems lonely.

I reached the house after driving up the driveway and parked my car. I walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell. A couple of seconds later, the door swung open, and there she was. "Hey," she said, smiling at me and inviting me inside. She was wearing a white t-shirt and black sweatpants, and her morning voice was the hottest thing I've ever heard. I started to blush, but I didn't want her to notice. "Hey, this place is crazy," I said, looking around. The house was huge, and it was beautiful. I thought my house was big, but this is truly a mansion. "Thanks," she said, laughing a bit. She led me to the living room, and I saw glass windows, looking out into a pool, hot tub, separate house, and a huge yard. This has to be the coolest house I've ever seen. She noticed the amazing look on my face and let out a small laugh. I felt her arms wrap around me from behind, and I felt her lips leave a small peck on the back of my neck. I smiled to myself and leaned into her. I turned around in her arms and put my hands on the back of her neck. She pulled me in for a soft kiss and pulled away soon after. "Have you eaten?" She asked. "Not yet," I said. "You want to make breakfast together?" She asked. I nodded my head, and we walked over to the kitchen, pulling out eggs, bacon, etc.

"Oh, I'm sorry about all the security. I don't love having them around all the time, but websites and tabloids have taken it upon themselves to post every home address I've ever had online. You get enough stalkers trying to break into your house and you kind of start prepping for bad things." She said. "It's ok. I get it. At least your house feels pretty private." I responded. "Yeah, it's very isolated. It can get a little lonely." She said, continuing to scramble the eggs. "If you ever feel alone, I can come to be alone with you," I said, smiling at her. "Then I wouldn't be alone, you goofball." She said, playfully nudging me. "That's the point, goofball," I said, mocking her. We both laughed.

It felt like we were an old married couple. Living life, making breakfast. The simple stuff. Our lives are both crazy. I mean, mine is nothing compared to y/n's, but this felt like we were just normal people. It's refreshing. No stress, social media, Hollywood Fix, and everything else. Just the two of us, making breakfast.

Y/N Pov:

After cooking eggs and bacon, Anna found pancake mix in the pantry, and we started to cook those too. "Watch this," Anna said. I looked up. She flipped the pancake in the pan. "I'm basically a pro chef," she said, stopping to make an eboy face. I laughed to myself and walked behind her, hugging her waist as she finished cooking them. After a couple more minutes, We set the food out on the kitchen island and started eating. Anna cut a piece of pancake off and fed it to me. Things are so easy. We're hanging out like a couple with no pressure or drama. I hope it stays like this. I know my life will start going a thousand miles per hour again soon, but right now, things are calm, and I'm doing something as simple as eating breakfast with my g— with Anna. It feels so special yet so simple. We talked as we ate our food. Once we finished, we put the dishes in the dishwasher.

"Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked. "Sure. Star Wars marathon?" She asked in a pleading tone. "Of course," I responded. I led her upstairs to the second floor and into a room. "You have a movie theater in your house?" She practically screamed. "Yeah, I can't go anywhere without getting swarmed by people, so I guess I have to bring the outside world to me," I said, trying not to sound like a spoiled famous brat. I don't see myself as famous, as much as it may seem that way. I'm still the same person I was before I had my career, but I've learned some things that come with having a platform as big as mine. Like I can't go to the movies or go shopping and so on.

I walked over to a recliner chair and sat down, grabbing a blanket. Anna sat down on top of me and cuddled into me. I put the blanket over us and started the first movie. I wrapped my arms around Anna, feeling her warmth against me.


Three movies later, and Anna and I are in the same position as before. We started the fourth movie, and 20 minutes in, Anna's phone buzzed in her pocket. She moved to take her phone out, and she glanced down at her phone. I saw her smile. Anna hid her phone and then shut it off. Another notification came in moments later, and Anna picked up her phone again, but I accidentally saw the name. It was a Snapchat text notification from someone named... Jersey? Who's Jersey? Anna turned her phone away again, typed a message back to Jersey, and then shut off her phone. I know most of Anna's friends now, but I've never heard of this person. I'm not the possessive type, so I just turned and looked back at the movie. Anna returned to the same position as she was before and cuddled back into me.

Anna's phone continued to buzz, but she didn't answer it. This Jersey person really wants her attention, doesn't she? I thought to myself. Anna's phone buzzed again, but this time it was a call. "Who's that?" I asked. I'm not jealous, and I'm not the type of person who keeps the person they like from their friends, but Anna was acting a little weird. "It's this girl named Jersey. We met through Tiktok a couple of weeks ago, and we've been becoming friends recently. She's really cool. I bet you'd like her." She responded. "That's cool," I said. Anna let the phone ring out and cuddled back into me.

There's nothing to worry about. They're just friends. The smile she made at the notification was offputting, but it's probably nothing. I let it go and cuddled closer to Anna, continuing to watch the movie.

1372 words
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Thank you all so much for 10k reads and 500 votes. I'm glad you're all enjoying this story. It's also currently at #1 for the hashtag "music," which is insane. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart <3

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