Dream - Help

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Y/S/N - Your Streamer Name
Y/M/U - Your Minecraft Username


"Hello Twitch Chat!" I greet as I turn on my face cam. "How are we?"

Y/S/NFan: Hello!!!
GenericTwitchUsername: POG

I laugh as I read the varying replies of my chat, and load up Minecraft.

"Well today, chat, we're gonna be joining a very special server," I pause for dramatic effect, looking excitedly into the camera. "The DreamSMP!" I announce, throwing my hands in the air and rolling my chair backwards.

Twitcher: WHAT??
Y/S/NFan69: OMG
MyOtherBooksAreGoodISwear: POGCHAMP
Usern4me: REALLY?

"Yes, yes. It's true! Me, a humble woman, joining the DreamSMP." I say dramatically, laying my hand over my forehead.

"And, I should be logging in now." I say, showing my screen, displaying the DreamSMP. I hover over the 'join' button for even more drama, then after a few seconds...

I click.

Y/M/U has joined the game

"I seem to be in a box?" I mutter, confused.

CupOfBread: Boxed like a fish
Y/S/NFan11: OMG
CwtchMeImWelsh: Oh no, streamer in a box, what will she do now?

I smirk at the chats response before exploring a little.

"There does seem to be a hole in the wall." I observe, making my character move through the hole.

"Where the hell is everything?" I ask myself, my Minecraft character looking in every direction.

Suddenly, a familiar neon green character comes into my view. He's clad in enchanted netherite armour from head to toe.

"Oh my god, chat! It's Dream!" I squeal, feigning fear. "Whatever will I do now?" I exclaim, looking into the camera, as if for help.

Dream: Come with me

"That's... ominous." I comment, laughing a little afterwards.

Y/M/U: Ok I'll trust you total stranger

Dreams character turns around and moves through the trees. Mine follows.

We come to a oak slab pathway and immediately I recognise it. "The prime path!" I say, very much excited to have found it.

Y/M/Y: Thank you Dream

Dream: :)

My character crouches continuously, making a dancing motion. Dream copies and I giggle.

CupOfBread: Awww
Ch4ndl3r: I ship it
Usern4me: SHIP

"Chat! No. Bad, chat!" I say, as if scolding a dog. "Me and Dream have literally interacted for, like, two seconds in a block game!" I argue, but the chat continues with its rant of how perfect we are for eachother.


An American accented voice rings through my headset. "Oh, hi! Who's this?" I ask and the owner of the voice chuckles a little. "I'm Dream." He informs and I make an 'o' with my mouth. "Well hello there." I say, not quite sure what else to say.

"My chat is convinced we're the perfect ship." I add, desperate to fill the awkward silence. "Oh.. why?" Dream asks. "Well, you helped me then we danced," I start, and Dream hums a quiet 'mhm'. "And apparently thats how a great romance starts?" I finish, somewhat amused. Dream laughs a little, "yeah, fans will grasp at anything to start a ship." He tells me and I nod to myself, taking in the information.

A few minutes later...

Me and Dream are giggling like children at some stupid joke he made. "Oh my god!" I manage to whisper through the fits of laughter. Dreams tea kettle wheeze blasts into my ears and it makes me laugh even harder.

CwtchMeImWelsh: You two are so cute
TheMandalorian: I SHIP IT SO HARD
GwenynFach: Lol that joke was dumb
Tubbosbee: They're so cute together

"Hi!" Comes an obnoxious voice.

Neither Dream nor I can stop laughing long enough to answer.

The absence of funny in the joke has made it hilarious to us both. Plus the sound of eachothers laughter, it makes it hard for us to stop.

"Are you two ok?" Asks the voice, which I register as TommyInnit from videos I had watched.

"Uh, yeah! Sorry about that." I say, composed at last. Dream is getting out the last of his giggles as Tommy starts talking to me. "So you're new here?" He asks, "yup!"

"You are a woman."

"Astute observation."

"And you're American."


"Ew." Tommy says. "Hey! Only Americans are allowed to make fun of being American!" I gasp, "whatever, I'll show you around." Tommy changes the subject.

"Can Dream come?"


I pout a little at Tommy's answer. But go along with it.

Bingus: Tommy don't get in the way of true love
Twitcher: Lmao Tommy
MarvelLouis: Tommy's being mean :(

"So, I guess this is goodbye for now, Dream!" I say, and Dreams character bows it's head. "Awww, Tommy! Look, we made him sad." I point out, making Tommy laugh. "He looks stupid, let's go. I am the tour man and I say we start." Tommy says, I sigh, adding on a dramatic "ok..."

About half an hour later...

"Ok chat, I know this stream was short, but I swear I'll do some longer ones soon!" I say, running my hand through my hair.

"How are we feeling after the introduction, chat?" I ask, glancing at the past messages that I missed. "You guys really want me and Dreams ship to be a thing, huh?" I ask quietly.

Usern4me: Going so soon? :(
Ch4ndl3r: LOVED IT
Bookworm: IT WAS GOOD
CupOfBread: #DreamAndY/S/N4life

"Ok, I'm done with y'all." I joke, grimacing slightly. "Bye you guys!" I say, waving enthusiastically at the camera. I shut off my cam and end the stream.

As I left my recording room, I couldn't help but think of Dream. He seemed cool. Chat really liked the idea of us getting...close.

Who knows? It might happen.

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