c!Philza - Replacement

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Y/N - Your Name


Phil always liked to take care of you.

Whether it was making food for you, caring for you when you're sick or just helping you do something, he was always up for it.

You always joked that you'd basically become his son.

Little did you know how close to the truth you were.

After Wilbur's death, Phil's family seemed to crumble around him. Tommy left to live alone and Techno was living in an undisclosed location. Even his wife wasn't around, an ancient goddess who he could only see on rare occasions.

Suddenly, the man who was always surrounded by family had no one.

But you came along and changed the game. People always say you're his replacement son.

You hung out with him, cracked jokes, cared for him and seemed to always enjoy it when he did something for you. You were like a gift from the heavens to him.

At Phil's house...

"Hi Phil!" You greet cheerfully, making your way through the front door.

Phil sets down his book and stands up to greet you with a hug.

But instead, you just place an affectionate kiss to his forehead.

His heart fills with happiness. Tears well up in his eyes before he can get a handle on his emotions, and you notice him wiping them away.

"What's wrong Phil?" You ask.

"Nothing! Sorry, it's just... Wilbur used to do that." He tells you, and you feel a pang of sympathy for the man in front of you.

"Phil, I need to ask you something." You say, and he blinks rapidly to clear the tears before nodding for you to continue.

"Well, a lot of people have been saying..." you trail off, your eyes glued to the floor.

"Y/N, whats wrong?" He inquires, placing a hand on your shoulder.

"Am I your replacement for Wilbur?" You ask finally. Phil is taken aback. He hadn't expected you to bring it up, or notice for a fact.

"Of course not! I- you're not replacing anyone! Sure, sometimes I do see similarities, and it's a comfort for me, but that in no way makes you a replacement." He assures and your tense shoulders relax. You place your hand on the hand on your shoulder, running your thumb over his knuckles.

"Sorry for even bringing it up, I shouldn't have reminded you of him." You murmur, and by 'him', you of course mean Wilbur.

Phil shakes his head. "We can't just pretend he never existed. He is- was my son, and we need to remember him." He asserts, tightening his grip on your shoulder ever so slightly.

You sigh, signalling your drop of the subject.

"So, whatcha reading?" You ask, directing your attention to the book on the desk.

Phil's eyes light up.

You just stand there, listening him ramble on about this book, Heaven on Earth. A story about two bitter ancient beings finding love in their human forms.

You chuckle as you realise why he loves it so much.

It's his story.

The story of him and his godly wife, Kristen, as he'd nicknamed her.

"You're a lonely man, Phil." You blurt out. You didn't even mean to say it, it just slipped out of your mouth.

The excited light in Phil's eyes dimmed at your words and you quickly tried to light them up again.

"I'm sorry, Phil, I don't even know why I said it! Please, keep talking. I'm so sorr-"

"You're right."


"You're right. I'm lonely. That's why I cling on to you so hard... I'm scared of what I am." He admits, tears building in his glassy eyes.

Your eyebrows furrow and you find yourself at a loss for words. So instead of speaking, you wrap your arms around his form.

After pushing your face against his chest for a short while, you pull away, looking into his eyes. You place your hand on his cheek, and he closes his eyes, practically melting into your touch.

"You don't need to cling, Phil. I'm not going anywhere." You tell him, the genuine tone of your voice making Phil smile softly. The tears build further, finally spilling over the rims of his eyes.

"Thank you." He chokes out, tears streaming down his cheeks.

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