[REQUEST] c!jschlatt - The price

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Y/N - Your Name

(Thank you to YareYareOceanMan for requesting some angst.
I've wanted to do an argument between Schlatt and the reader, but have been scared to sooo... here's my chance?
Apologies if it's not what you imagined YareYareOceanMan )


"I am not going over this again!" You yell, and Schlatt rolls his eyes.

"You're so fuckin' annoying." Schlatt hisses. You laugh incredulously and take a step towards Schlatt.

"Say that again?" You whisper, face leant close to Schlatt's face.

"I said, you're so fuckin' annoying! Are you deaf?" He seethes, making you grind your teeth together.

"Well, if I'm so annoying, why the fuck are you still with me?" You ask angrily.

Schlatt's mouth opens, and then closes. He's at a loss for words.

You exhale sharply, so angry you may as well have been breathing fire. "Well, then. That's nice to know." You snap, turning and leaving the room.


You hear Schlatt's footsteps ascend the stairs, and you start packing faster. If you were done packing, all you had to do was leave. He couldn't stop you.

"Baby, whatcha doin'?" Comes Schlatt's voice from the doorway.

You whip around, shock and anger decorating your features. "What am I doing?! Schlatt, I'm leaving!" You scream, and Schlatt's eyes widen.

"W-what? Why?" He asks genuinely, making you scoff.

"Holy shit, you were too drunk to remember!" You exclaim, smiling a little at the ridiculousness of the man you foolishly loved so much.

"What- was it the argument?" He inquires, and you can see he's desperately trying to remember the contents of said argument.

"Yes. So if you'd be so kind, step out of the way so I can leave." You mutter, and Schlatt shakes his head.

"I was drunk, Y/N! I don't even remember what I did wrong!" He argues but you just pinch the bridge of your nose.

"Can't you see the problem there? You're drunk for the better part of each week!" You strain your voice, trying not to cry, "Schlatt, you're ruining yourself! You're not the man I- not the man I love! Not anymore..."

Schlatt's eyes grow watery, and you furiously blink to stop yours doing the same.

"But I love you." He murmurs, making your heart shatter.

You swallow the feelings rising up in your throat. You can't go back now. Not because of some teary eyes and sweet words.

"I love you too, J, but it's too hard." You explain, and his body droops. "I'm so sorry." You add on.

You push past the defeated man, and make your way down the stairs with your belongings in hand.

With a saddened glance behind you, you see Schlatt watching at the top of the stairs.

"I love you." You mutter to him as you leave.

And seeing the door shut behind you is all that it takes for Schlatt to finally break down.

He falls to his knees with guttural sobs ripping their way out of his throat.

Fuck, fuck, fuck.

Why did he have to treat you like shit?

The one good thing he had going for him? Gone.

His country was falling apart, his people didn't respect him anymore, the only thing he'd had left was you.

You were always there to comfort him after a rough day with a wide smile and soft words.

And he had to go and ruin it!

He manages to catch his breath, calming the tears a small amount.

He'd get you back.

He had to.

MCYT Oneshots Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon