Saving techno

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It was a normal day in exile. Its been a while since I've ever saw someone else then dream. Not that I cared though. The only people I wanted to see is my family and dream. I was writing in my book until ghostbur came running towards me. He looked scared. He came from techno's house.

"What's wrong ghostbur?" I asked.


"I'm going to help him ghostbur. Don't worry." I said calming him down.

"T-theyre forcing phil to look Tommy." He said and my eyes were full of anger. I ran towards my chest, took out my armor, weapons and my mask and ran towards my portal. I ran as fast as I could and all soon I was at the portal towards the dream smp. I ran in and walked past the community house. I hided somewhere on the mountain me and dream sat as I was looking and listening closely.

"Technoblade had robbed our country. Now he's being executed for once destroying our country and robbing it." Tubbo spoke and a simple "HEH?!" came from techno.

"PULL THE LEVER BIG Q!" As he pulled it I saw techno's and Phil's eyes widened. That's where I step in. I pearled to techno and took all the damage. I broke us out as Phil ran towards techno hugging him and wrapping his wings around him keeping him safe.

"Whoever wants to fight... come at me." I said as I took out my axe. I knew dream was watching from a distance.

"YOURE NOTHING WITHOUT DREAM, NIGHTMARE!" Tubbo yelled as i simply laughed.

"It's not good comparing me with dream, tubbo." I said.

"he's way better then you! Like if you can take all of us." Tubbo said. I heard dream laugh from the mountains. It caught everyone's attention.

"YEAAHHHH NIGHTMARE, I AMMM BETTERR" Dream yelled jokingly as he laughed harder but then he became serious.

"Y'all don't even know him, how would you know he's worse?" Dream yelled. They looked at me as I laughed.

"Find it out yourself!" Dream yelled. They all charged at me and I took down everyone making sure not to kill anyone. Techno and Phil luckily got away. Dream pearled to me and layed his arm around me.

"You should've said you were here you idiot!" He said laughing. I just shrugged.

"You couldn't let him die did you?" He said softly as I nodded. "He didn't have a totem so he would simply die. The blade doesn't die like that now does he." I said as I started walking away. He followed me.

"Hows building the house with your beloved George" I said teasingly. He just hitted my shoulder lightly as he said "shut up" and we both laughed.

I then private messaged ghostbur.

'-you can't tell techno and Phil I saved them, it's for the best they don't know... please keep it a secret. Keep them safe and if something happens tell me. Keep yourself safe ghostbur <3-' I sended. He was my dead brother I couldn't safe. I loved him even though he was dead.

'-alright Tommy! Thank you for saving him though... I wouldn't know what would happen if you weren't there... keep yourself safe too! I will visit you soon and not to tell you something bad is about to happen! I will bring a present <3-' he sended back. I couldn't help but smile. I had already taken off my mask as I was back at the exile place. Dream looked at me in a confused way. He also took off his mask.

"Who you sending messages to huh." He said smirking.

"Shut up big d. Its ghostbur. I told him to keep it a secret I saved techno and he said okay." I said.

"Sometimes I think you're to nice to your family. I mean you save them and they don't even know. They don't even come visit you!" He said as he layed back on a tree. We were watching the stars. I looked at him and then layed on the ground looking at the stars as he was just looking at me.

"They don't have to know that. I've always been the weakest of the family." I said he looked at me confused.

"You're literally stronger then me. If me and techno were teaming up against you I think you would even win!" He said.

"I always acted weak around them to make techno the 'strongest'. They don't know I'm this strong dream." I answered and he shrugged.

"Anyway you're going to help your boyfriend tomorrow?" I said smirking and teasingly knowing he doesn't like me to call George his boyfriend. They flirted yes but they weren't dating.

"Shut up Tommy! He's not my boyfriend and yes I'm going to help GEORGE." He said as I just shrugged and laughed. Soon he started laughing too.

"I'll just farm wither skulls and make tnt to prepare." I said

"Alright. But if something happens message me as soon as possible" he said. He was kind of protective knowing tubbo hated my guts and probably everyone else on his side. Also because he was my best friend. He told me he even sees me as a little brother he never had.

"No need to be so protective big d. You literally just told me I was stronger then you and now you're on about protecting me?" I laughed.

"I don't care!!! Just text me okay?" He said as I nodded.

"Let's go in the base and sleep." He suggested.

"Alright." We went into the underground base and went to our beds.

"Night dream!" I said.

"G'night Tommy." He answered.

(964 words)

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