Welcome back tommy!

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I woke up the next morning to see a note on the table

"Im going to help George with his house again. If something happens text me right away and don't go randomly into fights as nightmare! I don't want you getting hurt. Anyway there is cooked steak in the chest for you to eat. I'll come back at night or tomorrow morning."

As I trew the note in the trashcan I took out the steak and ate some of them. I went up and closed the base door so no one could find it.

Techno's POV:

"Who is nightmare and why did he save me?!" I asked myself the whole night.

"Goodmorning techno!" Ghostbur said. I turned to him and gave him a little smile.

"Morning" I said as I turned back to what I was doing.

"Morning boys." Phil said as he came down the ladders.

"Morning Phil." I said smiling to myself.

"Hey ghostbur... did you visit l'manburg recently..." Phil asked. I was confused. Why would he want to know about l'manburg?

"No, should I?" He asked

"No its just... Tommy wasn't there yesterday... even though he probably some sort of betrayed the family he's still my youngest son and I wanted to know if you knew how he was doing..." he answered.

"P-Phil... Tommy's been in exile for about 3 weeks now..." ghostbur said. Both me and Phil's eyes widened.

"He's in exile?! Where!" Phil asked.

"Not so far away from here actually. Its about maybe a few blocks more then 1000 blocks away from here! I know where it is, are we gonna visit him?!" Ghostbur asked excitedly.

"Yeah... let's visit our little brother ghostbur." I added. To be honest I never really believed Tommy would betray the family. Or I didn't want to believe it...

•timeskip: techno,phil and ghostbur were in the woods nearby the exile place.•

Tommy's POV:

I just finished mining some diamonds and walked back out of the mine as I felt people close by. I didn't know who but I did know they were with 3

'-dream, there are people here. They didn't show there faces yet but they're kind of hiding.-' I texted to dream knowing if I didn't text him anything he would get annoyed with the fact I didn't listen to him.

"TOMMYYYYY" a familiar voice yelled as he ran towards me.

"Oh it's just you ghostbur." I said chuckling a bit.

"Not just me! Techno and Phil are here too! Come out guys!" He said. I was surprised that they came here. I didn't know why though.

"Heyyyy Tommy..." techno said nervously

"What happened tommy? Why are you in exile." Phil asked worriedly.

'-Tommy? You there? Everything okay? ANSWER ME YOU DAMN IDIOT!-' dream messaged me

'-I'm fine Dream, it's just techno,Phil and ghostbur. They're coming to visit me or something.-' I answered back fast.

"U-uh. I robbed?" I said 'nervously'. I acted. They couldn't know I was nightmare.

"Typical you.." techno said smirking.

"Sooo What ya been doing around here?" Techno said as he looked around.

"Just mining and shit." I answered. As I was talking Dream came out of the portal. What was he doing here?

"Dream." Techno said.

"Techno." Dream answered.

"What ya doing here dream." I said glancing. He knew I what I actually was saying. 'Why are you here, I have it under control' but he didn't mind.

"Just checking your  not running away." He said knowing they can't know I'm here for fun.

"Well we have to go. Its getting dark. Tommy please take care of yourself." Phil said as he gave me a small gift. "You too dadza..." I said. Phil couldn't help but smile at the words. They turned around and walked away to their house.

"what the fuck big d? You didn't have to come you know" I said as I turned to him.

"I knowwww but i was done with the house and wanted to come here earlier." He said as he tackled me onto the ground causing me and him both to fall and laugh.

"Then they say I'm a child. Look at you." I said laughing harder.

"HEY! That's because I'm spending so much time with you! I'm turning a child because of you!" He said trying to catch his breath.

"You ate yet?" I asked and he shook his head.

"Let's eat potatoes then." I said smirking knowing he doesn't like potatoes.

"Exwwwww no" he said pouting as I laughed.

"Let's just eat steak you pussy." I said still laughing.

•time skip: a few days later•

Tubbo's POV:

Techno's execution didn't work out really well but we all decided we were going to try it again but this time not with techno... but with Tommy. I've became madder and madder at him to the point I realized I never really cared about him and faked it so well even I believed it.

"Me, quackity and Fundy are going to Tommy's exile place and say he's out of exile, then when he comes here we're going to trap him and let A anvil drop right on his annoying head. That's the plan, understood?" Everyone nodded and some 'yasss'es and 'let's go's came from people.

"Alright let's go." Fundy said.

Tommy's POV:

We were just chilling mining and shit until George came running out of his breath. George was the only one who knew about me and dream being actually best friends and me being nightmare. We trusted him.

"TOMMY, YOU NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE RIGHT NOW!" George yelled. I tilted my head in confusion. As long as I knew techno was spying on us right now. He wanted to know if I was doing alright.

"Why?" I asked.

"THEY'RE GOING TO COME AND SAY YOU GOT OUT OF EXILE, THERE GOING TO TRICK TOU AND EXECUTE YOU." He yelled. Techno's eyes widened as he heard everything.

"I'm not going to run from these bitches." I said as tubbo, Fundy and quackity walked trough the portal with a fake ass face.


"Really?" I said acting exited. Georges eyes widened. My acting was good.

"He know what he's doing, don't worry" Dream whispered to George.

"Welcome back my friend, let's go the others are preparing a party for you!" He said

"ALRIGHTT" I acted existing. Techno already ran towards his house and his portal to see what was going on in l'manburg and in case he needed to save me. He also told ghostbur and Phil so they were following him.


(1116 words)

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