Harassed by paparazzi

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Paparazzi sees you and your family out in public and they want pictures of you and your kid...but what if your kid isn't quite ready for all the flashing lights and microphones in their faces?


Today seemed like a good and chill day to go out with your family to spend some time together.But you were so wrong

You were currently walking down the sidewalk with Katsumi and Katsuki right next to you
"Where do you wanna go shopping Sumi?" You asked

"Ice cream!" She eagerly said "Ok well maybe later" you responded  "Do you have ice cream money brat?" Bakugo jokingly asked her

She looked almost heartbroken at her fathers words because she knew she was broke from buying a Red Riot bracelet at the hero store


"Just kidding brat...I'll get you ice cream"

"Yay thanks dada!" She said with a big smile

"Katsuki can we go to-!"


Within a matter of seconds flashing cameras and microphones were being pushed in your face.Then they noticed Katsumi who was just standing there practically frozen with no idea what to do

"What's your quirk?"

"How old are you?"

"What are you doing today?"

"Are you thinking of being a hero too?"

It was very obvious that she was intimidated,
though she would never admit that to anyone
This had never actually happen to her so she had no idea what to do with all these cameras and questions.Which one did she answer first?
Who was she supposed to look at?Should she smile?


"For fucks sake" you said in an annoyed tone as you picked her up and hid her from them before flipping the cameras off


They all suddenly backed up


They all cleared out faster then they came in

"Thanks" you said as you tried to comfort your daughter "Stupid ass idiots have no chill...fuck them" he grumbled "Agreed...they really need to get out of hero's business" you said "Dada said a bad word" Katsumi mumbled into your shoulder "It's ok honey...I'll let it slide given the circumstances"


"So what store do you wanna go to next?" Kirishima asked you as you all walked through the shopping plaza "Maybe Sephora?My eyeliner kinda ran out this morning" you admitted "Oh no that's terrible...I'm sorry I'll definitely get you a new one sweetheart" (Sir pls marry me)

"Don't be sorry Eiji...these things just happen"
You told him "Dada can we look for sharks?"
Renji asked "Of course buddy...I'll tell you if I see any plushies or anything" he told his son "Thank you dada" Renji smiled "So (Y/N)...for lunch I was thinking we could-!"


Next thing you knew cameras were everywhere and questions were being asked
Renji quickly tried to hide behind Eijirou's legs due to being frightened by all these people and flashing lights

"Oh my gosh it's Renji!"

"What's your quirk?"

"What are you doing here?"

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